10/100 Network In a Box
Linksys EtherFast
3. When the list of available network adapters appears, click the Have Disk
4. Put the EtherFast Card disk into drive A. Type a:\ into the box on your
screen and click OK.
5. Highlight the Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter (LNE100TX
v4) entry in the window that appears. Click OK.
Installing the EtherFast Network Driver if Networking is
Already Installed
The following steps will install the EtherFast Card’s driver software on your
PC, enabling your PC to properly communicate with the card. Remember that
you must be logged on as a network administrator to continue.
1. Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, then double-click on the
Network icon.
2. When the networking window appears, choose the Adapters tab. Click the
Add button.
e:: For information
and help on choosing
your bindings, services
and protocols, ask your
network administrator,
or check your Windows
NT documentation.