Respirator Use
If an alarm sounds or the blower vibrates, leave the work
area immediately. Do not remove the respirator until you
are in a safe area.
Starting the Respirator
Press ON button for 1 to 2 seconds until the blower is activated. An
audible sound will be heard and the user interface will light up. The
blower will always start at the low air flow setting (180 lpm).
Pressing the ON button again will switch to the high air flow setting
(210 lpm). The user interface will show the air flow setting chosen.
Stopping the Respirator
Press OFF button for 2 seconds until blower stops. When pressing
OFF button, an audible beeping sound indicates the OFF button has
been depressed. Beeping sound will stop and the user interface will
darken when blower unit is off.
Battery Level Indicator
This indicator gives the user an estimate of the battery life
remaining. When three full bars show up in the display, the battery
is fully charged.
Filter Life Indicator
This indicator gives the user an estimate of the filter life remaining.
When three full bars show up in the display, the filter is in need of
changing. When zero bars show up in the display, the particulate
filter is clean. As the bars appear, the filter is becoming clogged and
a reduction in battery life is expected. Operating respirator with
filter indicator showing a clogged filter will significantly reduce the
battery life/run time.