• Cold Start: The camera starts up or reboots.
• Setting changed: The SNMP setting is changed.
• Network Disconnected: The network connection was broken down.
(The camera will send trap messages after the network being
connected again)
• V3 Authentication Failed: A SNMPv3 user account tries to get
authentication but failed. (Due to incorrect password or community)
• SD Insert / Remove: A Micro SD card is inserted or removed.
c. Access List
You can deny a IP address or a range of IP address so that they cannot
access the IP camera. Tick the "enable" box, key in the IP address you
want to deny, select"deny" then click"Add" to add it to the list.
You can also choose to deny a range of IP address but allow one or
several IP address of them. Take the picture above for example, IP address are not allowed to connect to the camera, but only