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4. Setting
4.1. P2P or SIP server Mode
The Link IP iDP Cam works in P2P or SIP server mode. The mode setting depends on the Dip Switch
position. In SIP server mode it is possible to register the doorphone to IP-PBX or SIP operator.
In P2P mode, the doorphone calls a IP address.
4.2. Web interface access
In your web browser enter IP address of the Link IP iDP Cam, default is « ». See
Image 4. Enter user name and password. default User name is « admin », password is « 1234 ».
4.3. Network settings: DHCP or fixed IP mode
In Network setting menu, It is possible to use DHCP automatic setup or enter manually IP addresses.
After making all changes click on a « save and restart » button. Restarting is mandatory for those