Copyright © Linkayl Technology Limited
LK-UP211 UPS Control Panel (1.5A)
Can be used as a master controller, a slave controller or play a dual role of master & slave
controller at the same me
As a master controller, connects to the motors or slave controllers to drive them
As a slave controller, receive the instruc ons to drive motors, or drive the motors
Play a dual role of master & slave controller, not only controlled by higher-level controller,
but also drive motors or lower-level controllers independently
No ma er master, slave or both, it can process all the external signals such as manual
switch, remote and sensors
Cascade use of the controller, if the master controller connected to an external sensor
(such as smoke sensor, wind and rain sensor, etc.), the slave controller MUST NOT use
inching mode
Cascaded control
Stroke memory
The controller can set and memorize opening stroke. Upon the stroke set, the window
opening signal is triggered once, the motor will run the memorized stroke one me
The default memorized stroke runs for 5 minutes
Press both of UP/DOWN bu ons on the controller for 3 seconds, LEDs flash 3 mes and
off, successfully entered the stroke memory se ng state
In the stroke memory se ng state, the manual keys are forced to the con nued-run
mode, the remote control keys are forced to the inching mode
Determine the stroke that needs to be memorized by pressing the manual key or the
remote control key by moving or jogging
Press both of UP/DOWN on the controller for 3 seconds, LEDs flash 5 mes and off, the
memorized stroke set successfully and exit the stroke memory se ng state, manual
bu ons and remote control bu ons restored to the original mode
No opera on is performed within 15 seconds, LEDs flash 3 mes and off, the stroke
memory se ng state is automa cally exited, and the last memorized stroke is retained
Stroke memory can be set repeatedly. The controller only retains the last successful
stroke value and automa cally clears the previous one
In stroke memory se ng state, press both of STOP /DOWN bu ons on the controller for
3 seconds LEDs flash 3 mes the memorized stroke is deleted and restored to the default
output for 5 minutes
When the memorized strokes of master controller and slave controller are not the same,
the master controller will run its own memorized stroke. The slave controller will run the
shorter stroke when it receives the cascade signal from the master controller
The memorized stroke is retained in case the controller is powered down or reset
When closing the window, the output me is 5 minutes
Troubleshoo ng
Please read the following instruc ons carefully before installing this product
The control system must be installed by the professional
The main power must be cut off before wiring to ensure safe opera on
Two 12V 1.3Ah ba eries connected in series
Please confirm posi ve and nega ve polari es before turning on the ba eries to ensure
that it cannot be reversed
The controller does not contain ba eries, please purchase with correct size and
specifica ons
Control panel cannot be installed outdoors
Maximum output power MUST NOT exceed the total rated power of the controller
Do not use metal objects to touch or cover the controller, otherwise it will affect the
remote control signal recep on
The maximum transmission distance of the wireless signal can reach 50 meters or more
in the open condi on
The distance between the controller and ground should be more than 1.5 meters
The distance between the controller and ceiling should be more than 0.3 meters
The distance between the controller and motor should be more than 1.5 meters
Avoid sta c interference and prevent sta c damage to electronic components
Please use the so wire and cable, a er installa on ensure that the cable carrier is not
affected by the longitudinal tension
An external sensor must use a product that is compa ble with this controller
Non-professionals is not allowed to disassemble the controller. If any func on is unusual,
please contact your local dealer
Installa on instruc on
Solu on
LED flashes, receiver shut down
1. Check the connec on of wires
2. Check the receiver se ng
LED on the transmi er is off or weak
1. Make sure the right installa on of the ba ery
2. Change the ba ery
The transmi er and the receiver work well,
the motor does not work
1. Check the wiring of motor
2. Make sure the motor no failure