With the iGrow 800 you can Control Relative Humility within your Greenhouse Environment.
Note: Relative Humidity staging overrides Temperature staging.
Here is a video link that guides you thru the control process.
iGrow 400/800 Humidification Control Programming
To get to your Humidity staging screen hit OK->4. Stages->2. Humidity Stages
Now in the Humidity Stages Screen you have:
Humidify: is engaged when the humidity is below the
Humidify (Low humidity) setpoint.
Dehumidify: is engaged when the humidity goes above the
Dehumidify (High Humidity) setpoint.
Cold De-humidify: is engaged when out temp goes below the
threshold value set in advanced screen.
The arrows (buttons 5 thru 8) are used for moving
the highlight to the desired stage. The Setup and OK buttons
are used to select or deselect the highlighted stage for a
device. For dual channel devices (vents/curtains), the second
channel is disabled as shown.
For Curtains: 0% curtain is uncovered, 99% curtain is
covered, No Change: Device doesn’t have an affect in that
For Vents: 0% vent is fully closed, 99% vent is fully open, No Change: Device doesn’t have an affect in that stage.
For On Off Devices: Override Off: Indicates device is Off in that stage, Override On: Indicates device is on in that stage
No Change: Device doesn’t have an affect in that stage.