Chinese Input method:
There are 2 input methods in Chinese. First is the PinYin,
another is the WuBe. Press Accent key (
)to select your
Chinese input method.
For example you selected PinYin input method (
e.g. type ‘ai’, it will display all the characters with phonetic
of ‘ai’, you select the first one and press the number (1)
to accept. Press right key (
) to find more
characters with phonetic of ‘ai’.
14. Japanese Input method:
There are 2 input methods in Japanese. First is the Katakana, another is the Roman.
Press Accent key (
) to select your japanese input method. For example you
selected Roman input method (
), e.g. type ‘AKAI’, it will turn to Japanese
display, press ‘ENTER’, it displays ‘Red’ in English translation.
15. Korean Input method:
A Korean character is group with several parts. The translator keyboard is same as the
Korean PC keyboard. E.G. in English keyboard;
1. Press R, Press K, Press Enter 2. Press W, Press K, Press D, Press Enter
3. Press ENTER 4. You can find the English translation of
‘MOST’ on screen.
Accent Sybmol
16. Greek input:
The translator keyboard is same as the Greek PC keyboard. Simply press
the alphabet key to access Greek character.
17. Russian input:
Simply press the alphabet key and you can input most of Russian
characters. Some Russian characters are on number keys, press SHIFT key then
press number key to access it.
18. Arabic input:
Simply press the alphabet key and you can input most of Arabic
characters. Some Arabic characters are print on number keys, press SHIFT key then
press number key to access it.
19. Persian input:
Simply press the alphabet key and you can input most of Persian
characters. Some Persian characters are print on number keys, press SHIFT key then
press number key to access it.
20. PVC Keymap
Some language characters are printed on the
enclosed PVC overlays. If you want to use these
languages, you can fit the overlay on to the