7 Accessories
Mandatory selection
7.1 SLA-ZP-037 Armrests standard (pair)
7.2 SLA-ZP-038 Armrests for blood donation (pair)
Vertical adjustment
By pressing the lever in front of the arm rest and by pressing the arm rest, the
arm rest may be positioned to lower position. Contrary motion (pressed lever)
and pulling up the arm rest may be set to higher position.
Horizontal adjustment
Each arm rest may be adjusted horizontally to the side by
simple lifting of the arm rest and rotating it to the side. There
are 4 preset positions. When the client is sitting in the chair,
it is useful to set the arm rest to “entering position”, i.e. 180°.
Armrests of the product are designed for a maximum load of
30kg. In case of overload the component may lose its
functionality. Observing the maximum loading of the armrest
is strongly recommended.