Rev. 0
The latest LTC2949 GUI version is distributed with Analog Devices
For QuikEval to be able to detect the DC2732A, the demoboard must be configure to SPI mode (JP3–JP6) and connect
to the Linduino via the 14-pin flat ribbon cable.
After that plug the Linduino’s USB cable to the PC and launch QuikEval. It should detect the board and ask to download
and install the LTC2949 GUI software. SPI mode is only mandatory for QuikEval to detect the board. Afterwards, isoSPI
mode can be used again with the LTC2949 GUI (but the GUI must be launched manually from the Windows start menu,
as QuikEval will not identify LTC2949 demoboard when connected via isoSPI, e.g., with LTC6820 demoboard, to the PC).
Alternatively, the GUI can be downloaded directly from:
LTC2949 GUI Tools & Simulations
Both files must be place in one local folder and then setup2949.exe must be executed (depending on the operating
system settings, the context menu command “Run Elevated” must be used).
The LTC2949 GUI expects the Linduino to be loaded with the DC590B Sketch (factory default). If the GUI does never
connect, very likely the Linduino is programmed with the wrong Sketch. Please make sure the DC590B sketch is pro-
grammed (factory default of the Linduino).
The green LED on the DC2732A (LTC2949 demoboard) indicates, there was/is communication to LTC2949, it’s in IDLE
and not in sleep mode.
To check, that the hardware setup is fine, another sketch for LTC2949 can be programmed. All the Linduino sketches
for LTC2949 can be found in:
LinduinoSketchbook2949.zip, provided by Analog Devices.