The quickest way to upload an existing program to the
DC2654A is to upload the HEX file using PSoC Program-
mer software from Cypress Semiconductor. The HEX file
is included in the top-level directory of the DC2654A firm-
ware package hosted on the product page of any compat-
ible demo board. See Figure 5 for the proper program-
ming configuration.
DC2654A source code can be also programmed and
debugged using the PSoC Creator IDE. Firmware down-
loads include source code and a PSoC Creator project
which can be easily uploaded to the DC2654A. From there,
users can modify the code to fit their own requirements
and program/debug as necessary.
To program DC2654A once a project has been down-
loaded, launch PSoC Creator and click the Program button
(or Ctrl + F5). This will launch the Select Debug Target dia-
log as shown in Figure 6. Click the Port Setting button and
verify that the settings match those shown in Figure 7.
Ensure that the computer is connected to the MiniProg3
and that the MiniProg3 is connected to the DC2654A.
In the Select Debug Target dialog, click the Port Acquire
button, and then the Connect button once acquired. Press
OK to program the target board.
For further instructions, consult PSoC Creator docu-
Figure 5. PSoC Programmer Settings
Rev. 0