assemBly test proceDure
For the proper measurement equipment setup and jumper
settings refer to Figure 6a, if you are using the DC1968A
wireless power basic transmitter, or Figure 5a, if you are
using the PowerByProxi ProxiPoint transmitter. Please fol-
low the checkout procedure, below, to familiarize yourself
with the DC2181 demo board.
When measuring the input or output voltage
ripple, care must be taken to avoid a long ground lead
on the oscilloscope probe. Measure the input or output
voltage ripple by touching the probe tip directly across
the V
or V
and GND terminals. See Figure 4 for
proper scope probe technique.
1. Connect power to the transmitter. For the DC1968A
basic transmitter set PS1 to 5V, and turn on. For the
PowerByProxi ProxiPoint transmitter, plug in the
power supply that came with the transmitter.
2. Set PS2 to 3.6V, and turn the supply on. PS2 is the
battery emulator
voltage. The purpose of the
3.6Ω is to make PS2 into a bipolar supply. Most power
supplies can only source current not sink current, bipolar
supplies can do both. A bipolar supply is necessary for a
battery emulator, as it must absorb the current coming
from the charger. By placing a 3.6Ω resistor in parallel
with a normal supply, the supply can absorb up to 1A,
at 3.6V.
3. Place the DC2181A receive board on the transmitter as
shown in Figure 5c, if you are using the PowerByProxi
ProxiPoint transmitter. Or as shown in Figure 6c, if
using the DC1968A. Note: for the ProxiPoint transmit-
ter, the LED the ProxiPoint transmitter should change
from green to solid red. If the LED turns blinking red,
please remove the DC2181A board, wait until the LED
turns green, and once again place the DC2181 on the
transmitter. If the ProxiPoint transmitter LED does not
change to solid red on the second try, please contact
your FAE.
4. The green bar graph LEDs on the DC2181 demo board
should light. Observe AM1, there is an additional 10mA
flowing from the BAT into the bar graph LEDs. Please
ensure that VM1 measures less than 4V. If not lower
PS2 until it does.
The bar graph LEDs indicate the percent of programmed
charge current flowing into the battery. They do so by
monitoring the PROG voltage. PROG will be 1V, at full
programmed charge current.
If you lower the battery emulator voltage, by lowering
PS2, until VM1 reads approximately 2.9V, you will see
the bar graph drop to 10%. This is the trickle current,
which is set to 10% of the programmed charge current.
5. Test is complete.
Figure 4. Proper Measurement Technique for Measuring Ripple
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