S e c t i o n 1 : C o l o u r M o d e A d j u s t m e n t
Key to be pressed
Menu Display
Magnitude Range
Contrast: 0~255
Brightness: 0~216
Red Gain: 0~255
Green Gain: 0~255
Blue Gain: 0~255
Step 1
Example: Contrast
1. “Colour icon” keeps flashing.
2. “Contrast” marked by indigo light.
Step 2
Example: Contrast
1. “Colour icon” keeps flashing.
“Contrast” marked by indigo light.
Adjusting scale of 0~255 shows up.
Step 3
Example: Contrast
1. “Colour icon” keeps flashing.
“Contrast” marked by indigo light.
* Keeps press
the “+ key”:
Value in the Scale is
increasing until 255
* Keeps press
the “- key”:
Value in the Scale is
decreasing until 0
Release the key, the
value will stop at
the satisfied point.
Menu Key
Blue by
“+ key”
Menu Key
+/- key