English Manual
LINDY KVM Extender C5 PRO-300 Installation and Use
page 5
1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the LINDY Extender C5 PRO-300. This KVM Extender set allows you to place the
controlling keyboard, video monitor, mouse, audio accessories (and also a serial device) up to 300 metres from
a system. The LINDY Extender C5 PRO-300 set consists of two modules: a local module that attaches to your
computer system and a remote module to which the peripherals are connected. The long distance link between
the two modules is made via Category 5, or higher, twisted pair cabling. There is no particular advantage in
using higher specification Category 6 cables. On the contrary it may even result in unacceptable video quality if
you use a) Category 6 and b) shielded cable.
Special circuitry within the remote module allows you to make adjustments to the sharpness and brightness
settings to suit your own preferences. Additionally, the LINDY Extender C5 PRO-300 also features Skew
adjustment to counteract the effects of uneven lengths of twisted pair cables that are used to carry the video
Throughout this document, the LINDY Extender C5 PRO-300 is
commonly abbreviated to Extender C5
Twisted Pair Cable
(up to 300m)