Barrier Systems by Lindsay
+1 (888) 800-3691 (U.S. toll free or +1 (402) 829-6800 - ECN 60881
Barrier Systems by Lindsay
+1 (888) 800-3691 (U.S. toll free or +1 (402) 829-6800 - ECN 60881
Using AGB on Uneven Surfaces
A pickup can be used to pull large sections of barrier
either at an angle or straight.
Figure 16. Use a winch or a “come along” as shown above to bring
two sections together on a slope so that the hinge pin can be
removed on installed.
Use caution when moving sections on a slope or on
the crown of a roadway. Barrier sections roll easily and
control of the sections must be maintained at all times.
The steering wheel can be used as a break to stop the
movement of a section on a slope when the wheel is
positioned perpendicular to the direction of the slope.