Service & maintenance
Lindab reserves the right to make changes without prior notice
Lindab reserves the right to make changes without prior notice
lindab | for a better climate
1.0 Installation
1.1 Product description
Lindab’s Active chilled beam Architect provides great freedom of choice in design. A large
number of predefined design solutions can be easily applied, in terms of technology, to
create customized design solutions with great flexibility, but without affecting the function
and performance. One of the advantages is that planning can be done without having to
decide on a design. It is also simple to renew the design, if necessary in the future.
1.2 Handling
The beam must be handled with care, ensuring that the beam does not sustain dents,
scratches or bends during installation.
Always seek to lift the beam at multiple points.
– Do not lift in pipes
– Do not lift in edges
– Each beam is equipped with protective film to avoid any damage during transport
and handling at building site. The film needs to be removed before commissioning
the products.
1.3 Mounting instruction
Please visit
Select Documentation Finder
Select “Architect”
Select “Mounting - Luna, Prisma, Circum”
1.4 Air connection installation
The primary air supply should be connected with instructions from a ventilation specialist.
Lindab’s chilled beams can beneficially be used together with Lindab’s Safe
duct systems.
Connection description water
Flow indication arrows are shown on the inlet and return pipes in order to assist the
If the control valves have been ordered separately, a special direction of the flow must
be upheld to ensure correct flow through the control valve. Please note the flow direction
indicator on the valve to insure correct installation in relation to the desired flow.
When connecting a panel or a beam with the piping system either a push-on fitting or
a compression coupling should be used. Lindab have tested and recommends John
Guest push on fittings as well as push-on fittings from Tectite (available as accessory.
To avoid sound being transported over the beam, we recommend to use our flexible
hoses between the piping and the beam connections. See
Every control valve can create sound when it is installed directly connected to the
water in- or outlet (or into the piping in close distance to the in- or outlet of the water
product). To avoid unwanted sound generation we recommend to always use a Lindab
control valve
(angled) or
(straight) and calculate the beam with the
valve in