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Subject to modifications
User Manual
Operation Instructions
LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Troubleshooting, continuation
Fault: Blockage in the downstream progress ive syste m, continua tion
Cause : Correction:
Metering device blo cked
Replace the mete ring device or clean it in accordance with
the f ollowing procedu re:
Remove all tube fitting s.
Unscrew the pist on closure plugs (thread M11x1.0 ).
If possible, t ry to e ject the piston using a smooth drift
(Ø sma lle r than 6 mm; 0.24 in.).
6001a 02
he pisto ns a re precision-fitted into the
holes. Mark the pisto ns with re gard to their
installation p osition and direction after they
have been removed. They must not be
exchan ged.
Thorough ly clean the metering device bodies in f at-
dissolving washing a gent, b low t hem through with co m-
pressed air.
Press fre e the slant d ucts (Ø 1.5 mm; 0 .59 in.) at the
thread ends of the pist on holes using a pin.
Cle an the metering devices again and blow the m through.
Reassemble the met ering d evices.
Replace rubber-lined sealing wa she r, if nece ssary.
Bef ore the tube fittings are reassembled, the meterin g
devices should be pumped with oil several cycles by
mea ns of a manual pump. Check that the pressure in th e
mete ring device does not excee d 25 bar (362.8 psi).
If the pressure is higher, replace the metering de vice.
Fault: Diffe ring lubrica nt a mounts at the lubrication points
Cause : Correction:
Lubricant mete ring not corre ct
Check the lubricant metering acc. to the lubrication chart
Setting of the pause time or lubricating time incorrect
Check the time setting . Refer to the corresponding setting
in the respective “Operating Instructions”.
Fault: Poor or exce ssive lubrication of the lubrication points
Cause : Correction:
Setting of the lubricatin g time or pause time incorrect
Check the time setting at the printed circuit b oards. Refe r
to th e corresponding setting in the respective “Opera ting
Instruct ions”.