Check the Feeder selection and Procedure
keys for proper operation.
1. Press the Trigger key. The LEDs
should toggle through the various trig-
ger selections as the key is pressed
and released.
2. Press the Timer key. The LEDs should
toggle through the various modes as
the key is pressed and released.
3. Press the Control key. The “Run-In
Volts/WFS” LED should light up. Press
the Control key again. The LED should
turn off.
The Volts and WFS controls must function
and change the appropriate display.
LN-10 with low speed gear installed:
35-500 IPM
LN-10 with high speed gear installed:
50-750 IPM
If a failed test indicates that any mechanical
part which could affect the machine's elec-
trical characteristics must be replaced, or if
any electrical components are repaired or
replaced, the machine must be retested and
meet the following standards.
Apply the correct input power (42 VAC) to
the LN-10 unit. The following checks should
be performed.
1. Press the Purge key. The gas solenoid
should activate, then deactivate when
the key is released.
2. Press the Cold Feed Forward key.
Check that the direction of rotation of
the drive roll is correct to feed wire out
of the front of the machine. Check that
the drive roll shaft stops abruptly when
the key is released.
3. Press the Cold Feed Reverse key.
Check that the direction of rotation of
the drive roll is correct to retract the
electrode wire back into the machine.
Check that the drive roll shaft stops
abruptly when the key is released.
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