Log Out
To change users, press the Logout Selection button.
This logs out the current user so that a new user can
log in.
If the new user code is set as an operator they
may not have full access to the system settings. Be
sure to always have at least one supervisor code at all
times for full system access.
Operator Log In
When an operator logs into the pendant they are
presented with the program screen – see
Operator Log In
Since operators cannot save, delete, or create pro-
grams, they are presented with the program options
available to them. They can select only these programs.
When entering setup mode, operators are
automatically brought to the Programs Screen.
Increments Settings
The increments screen, see
FIGURE 44 - Increments
is used to set how much a single button press
will change each value and limit the operator’s access
to certain parameters.
The minimum and maximum values provided to the
user are based on welding power source, weld mode
and other items.
increments options
that can be set are:
Wire Feed Speed
Voltage or Trim (depending on the weld mode)
Travel Speed
Oscillation Width
Oscillation Speed
Dwell Time
Each of these values can have a minimum and maxi-
mum value set that the operator will not be able to ex-
ceed. These increments can be changed per program
and per pass.
To reset all increments back to their widest tolerance
press the Reset Selection button.
Operator limitations also include the ability to set the
system units between Imperial to Metric, which can
only be performed by a supervisor.
See the
Increments Reference
on page
for a
complete list of the different values for imperial and
metric measurements. If a multipass program is
loaded, pressing the sector button will advance to the
next pass. This allows the user to quickly set the limits
and increments for each pass.
FIGURE 44 - Increments Screen
FIGURE 43 - Operator Log In