Setting the reminder interval
The DPG1M has a “Reminder” button to the left symbolised with a bell. Pressing this button will adjust the
interval of how often to get reminders to change position. The LED will light up in 3 different intensities which
each represents an interval and the 3 standards are:
- Interval 1: Reminder after 55 minutes sitting
- Interval 2: Reminder after 50 minutes sitting
- Interval 3: Reminder after 45 minutes sitting
The default interval chosen is reminding after 55 mins, which means the LED will be lit up white in the weakest
intensity. Simply toggle through the intervals by pressing the bell button and notice the light intensity change.
When the LED is not lit up, the reminder is turned off.
Through the apps, it is possible to personalise the three intervals to custom values.
Setting reminder interval.
Reminder off
Reminder reset
It is possible to reset the reminder to default values by pressing the “bell” symbol for 8 seconds. The LED will
blink red to indicate when the action is completed.