2.4 Traffic Light Detection (Sem Tripwire Detection)
Create alarms when up to 8 tripwire lines are crossed when a specified colour is shown in your chosen
area. Below is an example of tripwires becoming active when the traffic lights turn to red (as this is
where the specified box is)
2.4.1 Traffic Light Detection Configuration
To setup Traffic Light on the camera, follow the steps below:
Click on IVS tab on the left.
Select Tripwire, Sem Tripwire and click Submit button to save the changes.
Click on Motion Detection tab on the left and Edit button on the bottom.
Enable motion detection feature.
Motion Detection Type to be selected Sem Tripwire.
Select Area to be selected Zoom.
Use a mouse drag on the video.
Drag a rectangle to where is semaphore on the video, and adjust the rectangle to fit the
actual size of semaphore.
Change motion sensitivity according to the motion activities.
Select one specific color and color ratio for detection.
Click Submit button to save the changes.