Lower the SeatStrap as far down under the bottom
as possible.
The plastic reinforcement facilitates
the application.
Apply the support vest. Approach the Sabina lift. Connect the
strap loops of the vest to the sling bar. For further instructions,
refer to the instruction guides for the vest and lift used.
Stretch the straps on the SeatStrap and connect suitable strap
loops to the SeatStrap SlingBar.
Product Description
Sabina SeatStrap
Instruction Guide
The SeatStrap is an accessory which is placed under the patient’s bottom to help during the first part of the raising. It suits
patients who need help to get their bottom up during raising. This prevents the support vest from sliding up, which could cause
undesirable pressure under the arms.
Sabina SeatStrap is designed for use with Liko Sabina lifts only (different models available). The SeatStrap is always used
together with one of Liko’s support vests. Furthermore, the lift must be completed with the Sabina SeatStrap SlingBar.
The accompanying plastic reinforcement facilitates the application of the SeatStrap. The plastic reinforcement is inserted into
the fabric pocket on the bottom of the SeatStrap and makes it easier to apply the SeatStrap under the patient’s bottom.
Lifting and transferring a patient always involves a certain risk. Read the instruction guide for both the Sabina
lift and the support vest before use. It is important to completely understand the contents of the instruction guide.
The equipment should be used only by trained personnel. Ensure that the lifting accessories are suitable for the lift
being used. Exercise care and caution during use. As a caregiver, you are always responsible for the patient’s safety.
You must be aware of the patient’s ability to handle the lifting situation. Please contact the manufacturer/supplier if
you are uncertain or have any questions. Instruction Guides can be downloaded, free of charge, at www.liko.com.
Before lifting, keep the following points in mind:
• A responsible person within your organization should decide on a case-by-case basis whether one or more caregivers
are needed.
• Before lifting, plan the lifting operation so that it can be done as safely and smoothly as possible.
• Although Liko’s sling bars are equipped with safety latches, special caution must be exercised: Before the patient is lifted
from the underlying surface, but after the straps have been fully extended, make sure the straps are properly connected
to the bar.
• Never leave a patient unattended during a lifting situation.
• Make sure that the wheels on the wheelchair, bed, gurney, etc., are locked during the lifting/transfer operation.
• Always work ergonomically.
In this document, the person being lifted is referred to as the patient and the person helping is referred to as the caregiver.