SFA-5000 • SFA-10000 DeviceNet
12 Offset value
As soon as you activate the preset, the current position value of the encoder is
saved on this attribute. The offset value is then used in the preset function in
order to calculate the encoder position value to be transmitted. To zero set the
value in this attribute you must upload the factory default values (see the 15h
Restore Service code on page 66).
For any further information on the preset function and the meaning and use of
the related attributes
Default = 0 (min. = 0, max. = 33 444 431)
13 Velocity value
This attribute shows the current speed detected by the position sensor and
calculated every 100 ms. The speed can be expressed in number of steps per
second or in revolutions per minute (see the
14 Velocity format
This attribute sets the engineering units for the velocity value (
steps/s (0):
number of steps per second (default value);
rpm (1):
revolutions per minute.
Default = 0 (min. = 0, max. = 1)
15 Dip switch
This attribute shows the status of the dip switches.
Dip switches are located in the connection cap and used to set the baud rate
and the MAC-ID (see the sections “4.6 Setting the baud rate: DIP A“ and “4.7
Setting the node address: DIP B“).
bits 0 … 5
bits 6 and 7 = not used
bits 8 and 9 = Baud Rate
bits 10 … 15 = not used
16 Data Tx in POLL mode
This parameter is meant to set which input data is sent when the
connection is enabled.
Allowed values:
Position value (0, default value)
Position value + velocity (1)
Default = 0 (min. = 0, max. = 1)
MAN SFA_5000_10000_FD E 1.0.odt Quick reference (using RSNetWorx)46 of 88