IP58, IQ58, IQ36
connection to the encoder, a red X
appears next to either button or next to
both buttons. If you do not choose the right encoder model, a red X
next to the
button and the items in the PROGRAMMABLE
PARAMETERS section are not available. After positive connection the fields in
the page are filled with information acquired from the connected device.
Furthermore the buttons and the commands become active.
5.4 Setting the parameters
To save the data on the EEPROM permanently, you must press the
button in the keyboard after having entered the new value. The parameter is
saved instantly.
Internal pos. register
It is used to show the value in the internal position register, that is: the current
position of the encoder. When you start the program, 0 appears next to this
item. Press the
button to start the routine which allows to
continuously read and display the current position: the current position of the
encoder appears on the field. Press the
button to stop the routine; the
last position value is kept “frozen” in the display field. After having set a new
resolution value, a zero setting operation is carried out by the system. If the
routine is running, the 0 value is shown in the internal position register;
otherwise the last “frozen” position is shown.
This parameter allows the operator to set the custom number of pulses that the
encoder will output per each revolution (PPR). Please enter the desired value
and then press the
button to confirm. If you set a value that is out of
range (lower or greater than allowed), the system automatically sets either the
minimum or the maximum value in the range.
After having set the resolution, set also the encoder maximum rotational speed,
see the
parameter. Please always consider the pulse multiplication
factor (x 1, x 2 or x 4) of the subsequent electronics before entering a new
resolution value.
Default = 1024 (min. value = 1; max. value = 65536) - IP58 series
Default = 1024 (min. value = 1; max. value = 16384) - IQ58 and IQ36 series
MAN IP58_IQ58_IQ36 E 1.6
Programming interface
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