AMM8A SSI & BiSS C-mode
After having set the new counting direction it is necessary to set also a new
Device type
[55, ro]
This register describes the type of device.
Default = 04h: multiturn rotary encoder with BiSS C-mode int sine-
cosine additional signals (AMM8Axx/xxxxxSCx-...)
N° of bits used for singleturn resolution
[56, ro]
This register shows the number of bits used for the singleturn resolution (the
number of physical information -cpr- is available next to the
parameter, registers 4B … 4D).
Default = see the order code (AMM8A
For example: 11h (= 17 bits, AMM8A
N° of bits used for multiturn resolution
[57, ro]
This register shows the number of bits used for the number of physical
revolutions (the number of physical revolutions is available next to the
parameter, registers 4E-4F).
Default = see the order code (AMM8Axx/
For example: 0Ch (= 12 bits, AMM8Axx/
Resolution of sine-cosine signals
[58, ro]
This register shows the resolution of the sine cosine additional signals.
00h = no sine cosine signals
11h = 1024 sinusoidal waves per mechanical revolution, see on page 34
Default = 11h
Work cycles counter
[59 … 5C, ro]
The work cycles counter allows to record the total number of work cycles
accomplished by the encoder. A work cycle corresponds to 2 encoder
revolutions. The counter value is always incremental both if the encoder rotates
clockwise and if the encoder rotates counter-clockwise. A hysteresis of ±1
MAN AMM8A SSI_BiSS E 1.10.odt
8 - BiSS C-mode interface
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