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Laser rangefinder
Product manual
Power supply option 4: Dual redundancy
For high reliability applications, dual redundancy of the power supply can be achieved by connecting both an unregulated 9 V supply
and a regulated 5 V supply. In this configuration, the 5 V must be supplied through a reverse protection diode with a low forward
voltage drop. We recommend using a 1N5819 Schottky diode. Under normal conditions power is drawn from the 5 V supply but if this
supply fails then power will be drawn from the unregulated supply. The dual redundancy power connections can also be accessed via
the Digital expansion port, see page 9 for further information.
Figure 5 :: Dual redundant power supplies
USB port
The SF02/F has a mini USB interface that can be used to communicate with
LightWare Terminal
software on a PC. This connection
also provides power to the unit making it quick and easy to test and configure the SF02/F. The associated virtual serial port transmits
at 115200 baud with 1 stop bit and no parity or handshaking. More details are discussed in the “Menu options” section below.
Figure 6 :: USB communications
SF02/F Laser Rangefinder - Product Manual - Revision 10
© LightWare Optoelectronics (Pty) Ltd, 2016