User’s Manual
Section 6. Web control
– Using the built-in website
Page 49 / 113
6.5.6. IR port
Carrier frequency [kHz] (set according to the needs
of the IR device). The value can be set between 30
and 200 kHz with one decimal, further digits are
truncated. E
.g. if typed value is ‘37.52’, saved value
is ‘37.5’. Default value is 38.0 kHz.
Port name, which will be visible on its button and in
Modules of front panel menu.)
Command injection
When a port is in command injection mode, it works as an IR-
Ethernet converter (bidirectional); the Ethernet packets are
converted to IR signal and vica versa.
6.5.7. RS-232 port
Port name can be set, which will be visible on its button and in Crosspoint settings of front
panel menu.
Baud rate: 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200 / 38400 /
57600 / 115200 / 128000 / 153600 / 230400 /
256000 baud
Data Bits: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Stop Bits: 1 / 1.5 / 2
Parity: None / Odd / Even / Mark / Space
Command injection
When the device is in RS-232 command injection mode, it
works as an RS-232-Ethernet converter (bidirectional). On
these ports the Ethernet packets are converted to RS-232
data and vica versa.