Lightstat ecoStat Reference Download Page 4


The ecoStat’s housing consists of three parts to allow for easy installation. The back plate is mounted to the wall first 

and all the external wiring is connected into the built in terminal block. Once this plate is firmly mounted and wired, the 

cover plate and internal plastic guard attached will lock onto the back plate mating the connections between the 

thermostat and the terminal block.



Pick a mounting location AWAY from drafts, windows, doors, outside walls, and heat vents. Relocate if necessary.

The Lightstat ecoStat senses a change in LIGHT LEVEL to determine Setback if enabled. Mount it under lights that GO 

OFF when people LEAVE the space. Locate the Lightstat ecoStat at least 10 feet from a night light.


When setback is enabled the system will shift to using 

setback setpoints to conserve energy once the light level 

drops below the configured threshold.

Time Delays

Time delays are implemented on the system both to conserve 

energy as well as promote longevity of the mechanical 


Time delays implemented are startup delay, output minimum 

on and output minimum off. 

The output minimum on and output minimum off time delays 

are configurable based on customer request and the startup 

delays are randomized based on an internal algorithm. 

Default lock on/lock off timers are 45 seconds.

Temperature Units

The temperature units displayed on the LCD are factory 

programmable and can be configured to either Fahrenheit or 



1. Temperature and Humidity

A digital temperature and humidity sensor is used to monitor 

the ambient air. This sensor will maintain a relative accuracy 

of +/- 1°F for temperature and +/-5 %RH for humidity.


A light sensor is used to detect the ambient light level within 

the local space. This is used to control setback depending 

upon configuration.

Heating and Cooling

Connections for 2 stages of heating and 2 stages of cooling. 

Configurable to allow single mode applications such as heat 

only or cool only.

Auto changeover option when both modes are in use. 

O/B connection terminal for heat pump reversing valve 

control application.  

Automatically controls the Y1/ W1 output for heating and 



Setpoints for both heating and cooling to set the desired 

ambient temperature range.

Default setpoints are factory configurable based on customer 


Setpoint Override

The user has the ability to temporarily override the default 

setpoints for situations where the default values are insuffi-

cient for a comfortable environment. If the setpoints are 

temporarily adjusted, the current active mode will determine 

which setpoint is changed which will have maximum/minimum 

restrictions for setpoint values as well as deadband size. 

Once adjusted away from default values a countdown timer 

will begin (If enabled). While in the period when this count-

down timer is active the setpoint can be adjusted further up to 

the setpoint limits, but this will not restart the timer. Once the 

timer has elapsed the setpoints will revert to the configured 

default setpoints. The duration of this period can be configu-

rable based on customer request. In the case where the 

override timer is not enabled, any adjustment(within the 

setpoint limits) will remain indefinitely.

Fan Control

When the system is on, the user can select whether the fan is 

controlled by the system based on calls for heating and 

cooling or to be always on regardless of system activity. 

When the system is off, the user can select whether the fan is 

simply on or off. The fan will default to auto when the system 

is on and off when the system is off. Changing the fan mode 

while the system is off has no effect on the fan mode chosen 

while the system is on.This will be used to control setback 

depending upon configuration.












Lightstat, Inc., 

22 W. West Hill Rd., Barkhamsted, CT 06063 






ecoStat Installation Manual TPUB00045 Rev. A 03052018
