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Lighting Technologies Factory LLC
NBS 22 P150 light
1. Application
1.1. NBS 22 P150 light is designed for functional and decorative illumination. It is powered from AC mains (220 VAC (±10%), 50 Hz (±0,4 Hz)). Power quality shall comply with
GOST 13109-97.
1.2. The light complies with safety requirements of GOST R IEC 60598-2-3 and EMC requirements of GOST R51318-99.
2. Delivery set
Light without lamps (pcs)
Package (pcs)
Certificate (pcs)
3. Safety
Never install, clean and replace light components (lamps), if power is ON. Clean the glass with soft cloth wetted with mild soap solution.
4. Operation and installation
4.1. Operate the light under Electric Device Operation and Maintenance Guidelines.
4.2. Remove the light mounting base by unscrewing 4 screws (Fig. 4, Item 1).
4.3. Insert power wires through the gland. Secure the base to the surface by screws. Refer to Fig. 2 for mounting dimensions.
Connect power wires to the terminal block (Fig. 4 Item 3).
4.5. Connect the light to the terminal block and secure it to the base with four screws.
4.6. Remove the protecting glass by unscrewing mounting screws, install the lamp to the receptacle and replace the protecting glass.
5. Acceptance
The light complies with TU 3461-009-44919750-06 and is admitted serviceable.
Manufacturing date:
QA inspector: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Packed by: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The light is certified.
6. Warranty
6.1. The Manufacturer undertakes to repair or replace the faulty light within the warranty period free of charge, if such fault is not caused by the Customer, and the light operated in normal
6.2. Warranty period: 36 months as of the manufacturing date.
6.3. Service life of lights in normal climate subject to compliance with installation and operation requirements:
8 years for lights with housing and/or lens made of polymeric materials
10 years for other lights.
6.4. Failure of the lamps shall not be considered as a defect.
Manufacturer address: Maguistralnaya Street 11-a, Ryasan, 390010, Russia
Date of sale: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Shop stamp
ЖСҚ «Зауыт«Световые технологии»
NBS 22 шырақ
1. Міндеті
1.1. NBS 22
шырағы функциялық-сәндік жарықтандыру жасайтын 220 В (±10%), 50 Гц (±0,4 Гц). ауыспалы ток желісінен жұмыс істеугеарналған шырақ. Электр құаты сапасы
МЕМСТ 13109-97 стандартына сәйкес болу қажет.
1.2. Шырақ МЕМСТ P МЭК 60598-2-3 жәнеЭМҮ МЕМСТ P 51318-99 қауіпсіздік стандарттарына сәйкес
2. Жеткізілім жинақтамасы
Шырақ (шамсыз), дана.
Бума, дана.