2. Put mains cable (diameter 9-12 mm) into the body through bushing.
3. Connect previously stripped mains cable to terminals block according to polarity shown.
4. When regulated control gear is used control wires connection polarity must follow label
markings. Wiring diagram is given on ECG casing.
5. For luminaire equipped with electronic control gear and backup power supply unit.
5.1. Connect mains cable to terminals L1, N1 according to polarity shown.
5.2. Connect the power supply wires which provide continuous battery charging to contact clamps
L2, N2.
5.3. Check test of luminaries with emergency power module by the means of TELEMANDO
device. It is possible to carry out the check test by connecting the TELEMANDO (TM) device: if
the power is present pressing the ON button (on TELEMANDO device) will activate the
luminaire’s emergency state which will continue until the ON button is released. Telemando
device can service up to 35 luminaries (see connection diagram). The OFF button is not used.
The connection of TELEMANDO remote emergency check and control device should be done
with solid wire 1-1.5 mm cross-section and maximal length 250 m. The connections must be
made according the polarity shown on wiring diagram. The «+» terminal on the TELEMANDO
device should be connected to the «+»ТМ terminal on emergency power module, the «-» terminal
on the TELEMANDO device should be connected to the «-»ТМ terminal on emergency power
6. Fix the assembly panel inside the body.
7. Install fluorescent lamps.
8. Lock the diffuser with clips.
These instructions assume expert knowledge corresponding to a completed professional
education as an electrician.
Overall and installation dimensions, mm
1. Mains connection scheme.
2. Mains connection scheme with backup power supply: (fig. а - backup power supply).