(30 minute default)
One of the greatest benefits of
exercise are the direct benefits
exercise has on the heart and cardiovascular system. The heart health ladder has
been specifically designed to provide your heart and cardiovascular system with
a series of progressively harder exercise intensity’s that will improve your overall
aerobic endurance, while also stimulating anaerobic endurance. Remember
that it may be challenging for a few minutes, but each progression has been
carefully designed to provide recovery intervals so you can push to improve your
cardiovascular fitness.
Uphill Interval
(20 minute default)
Uphill Interval workouts are unique
in that they provide your body with the benefits of an interval workout, with the
added benefits of gradually increasing the overall intensity. In this workout you
should begin at a level that is comfortable and then increase the intensity during
each maximum interval, pushing to a slightly higher intensity each time. You will
get maximum overall calorie burn during of the higher intensity intervals, while at
the same time working on improving your overall anaerobic fitness.
Steady Pace
(40 minute default)
Improve your fitness while also simulating your body to burn more fat with this
workout. Steady pace workouts are great for helping you establish an improved
overall endurance base. Most “Steady Pace” workouts focus on maintaining
one set workload throughout the entire workout. Your goal is to be sure you are
exercising within a low moderate intensity to a high moderate intensity during
the workout.
Long Slow Distance 2
(40 minute default)
Compared to the long slow distance 1
program, this workout expedites the rate of increasing exertion, allowing for more
workout time to be spent at higher levels of intensity.
Cardio Run
(20 minute default)
Cardio run is a steady pace workout
but at a higher intensity than “Long Slow Distance”. Cardio run is a more advanced