LifeFone At-Home & On-The-Go Voice-In-Pendant User’s Guide
Testing Voice-In-Pendant Monthly
Testing Your System
• Please have your complete system near you at the
time of testing.
• Press the pendant button firmly once.
• Once the alarm is received by Lifefone, an emergency
operator will communicate with
you through the speaker.
• Please state clearly to the operator
that “THIS IS A TEST.” If you do
not explain to the operator that you
are testing your unit, emergency
help will be dispatched.
• It’s recommended that you test
your system once a month, every
If you have any trouble performing this test, please
contact customer support 24/7 at 1-800-940-0262.
Placing an Emergency Call
To make an emergency call using Voice-In-Pendant:
Step 1. Press and hold the call Button once.
Step 2. Please hold the device and position the
microphone near your mouth to complete your call.
Step 3. LifeFone’s response team will answer your call,
talk to you to assess your needs, and notify emergency
services if appropriate.