Measure the Background (optional)
Measure the
Measuring the background fluorescence using unstained samples allows you to
obtain more accurate sample counts. Note that the Background feature is not
available for the Quick count assay, because this assay does not use fluorescent
reagents. To measure the background for Tali
Viability, Apoptosis, and GFP/RFP
assays, follow the instructions below.
Touch the
tab. The Background screen opens.
If there are no background measurements for the assay saved on the instrument,
In use
dropdown menu will display “No Background” and the run button
will be labeled “Press to insert new unstained cell control” (see image above). If
you choose not to run a background control, the instrument will assign a
fluorescence threshold for you, which you can change manually after
performing your assay.
If you have already measured the background, the dropdown menu will
display the latest background measurement on file.
To use a previously obtained background measurement, select the file name of
the measurement from the
In use
drop-down menu.
To perform a new background measurement, load the Tali
Cellular Analysis
Slide with the unstained cell control, insert the slide into the Tali
Cytometer (see page 16), and touch
Press to insert new unstained cell control
To replace a previously obtained background measurement, select the file you
want to replace from the
In use
drop-down menu, insert the Tali
Analysis Slide containing the new unstained cell control into the instrument,
and touch
Press to insert new unstained cell control
After the unstained control sample is automatically pulled into the instrument,
Press to run unstained cell control