Asked Questions
Q: What should I expect from drinking Ionized
Alkaline Water?
A: Everybody’s body is different, but typically new alkaline water
drinkers say they see or feel effects in a month or two. You will
notice a difference in taste: Ionized Water is much smoother
tasting than conventional water. It makes better coffee, tea,
juice, etc.
Q: Who should drink Ionized Alkaline Water?
A: People and pets can drink Ionized Alkaline Water.
Q: Is there anyone who should not drink Ionized
Alkaline Water?
A: Some people must start by drinking very small amounts of
Ionized Alkaline Water, such as 8 oz. of strength level 1 (one)
Ionized Alkaline Water per day. This is especially true of the
elderly who often have unfortunately allowed heavy metals and
other toxins to accumulate in their bodies. Sometimes years of
medication have accumulated in them. The health benefits for
adults are well established through University studies and other
studies done on a variety of health issues. Since no one has tested
children we are making the following suggestions: Children 3
years and younger should drink water from the purified mode
and then start on the low levels of Ionized Alkaline Water when
they are older. Children between the ages of 4 years and 12
years should only drink Ionized Alkaline Water at strength level
1 (one) and strength level 2 (two). Children between the ages of
4 and 12 years of age should never drink Ionized Alkaline Water
at strength level 3 (three) or strength level 4 (four).