Life Fitness Model 97Ti, 95Ti, 93T Treadmills
How To...Replace or Install Rear Roller Guards
Tools Required:
Philips Screwdriver, Flat Blade Screwdriver
NOTE: The following steps are applicable to units with Configuration No. 2, Rear Roller Guards.
Remove existing Roller Guard by unscrewing mounting screws on top and base of frame.
With flat blade screwdriver, remove Grommet and Washer, discard old washer and re-install the
grommet. Use caution to prevent injury or damage to paint.
NOTE: Do not replace washer
Having a washer and the grommet will raise the guard too high
and cause rubbing against the belt resulting in premature wear and reducing belt life.
Remove the Base’s Lower Head Grommet for the base bottom hole and move to the upper hole in
the Base Frame.