Life Fitness Classic Serries Brochure Download Page 2

The Classic Series is proven equipment that simply gets the job done.  
Like the exercisers who use them, these machines are in it for the long  
haul. They are attractive, easy to use and simple to maintain. And because  
they carry the Life Fitness name — and the quality and appeal that  
represents—they are a great foundation for many fitness facilities.  
The Classic Series is just that, classic Life Fitness.

They’re called 


              for a reason.

The FLexdeCk


 ShoCk AbSorpTion 

SySTeM reduCeS knee And joinT 
STreSS by up To 30% More ThAn  
non-CuShioned SurFACeS, deCreASing 
The ChAnCe For injury. eighT 
inCredibLy durAbLe LiFeSpring



ShoCk AbSorberS deLiver  
ConSiSTenT CuShioning.

powered by huMAn MoveMenT,  
you CAn pLACe TheSe energy 
eFFiCienT CroSS -TrAinerS  
Anywhere in your FACiLiTy,  
wiTh no eLeCTriCAL CordS or 
ouTLeTS To ConSider.*  

* Attachable TV requires external power.

classic series 


The Life Fitness Classic Series Treadmill is built with comfort  
and ease of use in mind. it offers a simple, non-intimidating 
console and the most popular workouts. with it’s contemporary 
industrial design and high-performing durability, nothing  
else compares. This familiar, classic machine is used today  
by thousands of world-class facilities all over the globe,  
and with good reason, it delivers.

classic series 

elliPTical cross-Trainer  

The Life Fitness Classic Series elliptical Cross-Trainer offers  
a smooth total-body cardiovascular workout. built for comfort,  
it is a proven machine that offers a variety of low-impact workouts. 
engineered to be ergonomically correct, with the durability only 
Life Fitness can provide, these machines take elliptical cross-
training to a whole new level.

The duAL-LeveL ConSoLe LeTS  
uSerS MAnAge Their workouTS 
And reAd ALL AT The SAMe TiMe. 
pLuS, LiFepuLSe


 heArT rATe 

hAnd SenSorS Are LoCATed in Two 
poSiTionS – uprighT And rACing 
– For CoMForT And ConvenienCe.

ergonoMiC ConTour - MoLded bACk 
SupporT And SeAT wiTh buiLT-in 
grooveS keep exerCiSerS CooL 
And dry And proper LeFT-righT 
weighT diSTribuTion heLpS 
prevenT MuSCLe FATigue.

classic series 

recUMBenT BiKe  

designed with the same technology and durable components as 
the upright bike, the recumbent Lifecycle


 exercise bike brings 

our legacy of fitness to those who prefer a seated position. As the 
complement to the upright bike, it belongs in facilities wishing to 
provide variety to their customers.

classic series 

UPriGhT BiKe  

The Classic Series upright Lifecycle


 exercise bike is designed  

with the advanced engineering and durable components that 
exemplify our legacy of fitness expertise. built for easy use, 
riders of all sizes can adjust the bike seat in seconds to ensure an 
optimum workout. From top to bottom, this machine is pure  
Life Fitness and a “must have” for every facility.
