fig .5
TIP: Finger must be FLAT on sensor
and pressed FIRMLY during swipe.
The enrollment process is extremely important. This is the process of registering
personal fingerprint(s) that will open the vault. Please take your time and become
familiar with this process.
To begin the enrollment process, again locate the Administration Button midway
back in the interior ceiling (
Ref Fig 4
). This is the same button used to erase or
clear the memory of enrolled or registered fingerprints.
Push and HOLD until the GREEN light AND YELLOW light appear. After both the
GREEN and YELLOW light appear release the button and begin to swipe your
finger. The YELLOW light indicates that the sensor is ready for you to swipe your
finger. Swiping should be done with the finger as flat as possible, centered on the
sensor (
Ref Fig 5
Start with the first joint of the finger and
using an even, moderate speed pull the
finger across the sensor. S
will ask you to swipe the same finger at
least five times in order to successfully
enroll. If a RED light comes on solid during
the process it indicates the previous scan
was not successful. Do not restart the
process, just continue to swipe when the
YELLOW light indicates that the sensor is
When the enrollment process is complete, the solid GREEN light will blink. This
indicates the fingerprint was accepted.
Use this same procedure to enroll all fingerprints (up to 15). After 15 fingerprints
have been saved, the next fingerprint enrolled will replace the oldest saved fin-
gerprint. You may add fingerprints or erase all saved fingerprints and start over at
any time.
Once you have enrollred the desired amount of fingerprints you can place
the Lock Cover over the key lock (
Ref Fig 1
A/C Power:
Using the A/C power supply adapter allows the sensor to skip the waking
process that is necessary when utilizing backup battery power only. Connect the
A/C power supply adapter to the A/C jack on the right side of the SMART VAULT
and plug the A/C power supply adapter into an electrical outlet.