expose the speaker directly to water.
Replacing the light bulbs
Front/Rear lights:
Pull the lantern
housing away from the model.
Remove and replace the bulb.
Cab light:
Using tweezers, remove
and replace the bulb.
Replacing the traction tire
- The gearbox should be removed to
replace the traction tire.
- On the bottom of the gearbox are
six screws. Remove the first and
last screw.
- Carefully pull the gearbox out of the
- Use a small, straight-blade screw-
driver to replace the traction tire:
- Pry the old traction tire out of the
wheel groove.
- Gently insert the new traction tire
into the wheel groove.
- Make sure that the traction tire is
seated properly in the wheel groove.
- Reassemble.
Maintenance parts
50019 Maintenance Oil
51020 Gear Lubricant
62204 Standard Motor with Long
63120 Brushes, Assembled,
14 mm and 16 mm,
8 pieces (2 packages needed)
63218 Standard Pick-Up Shoes,
2 pieces (2 packages needed)
68511 Plug-In Bulb, Clear, 5V,
10 pieces
69104 Traction Tire, 37.5mm,
10 pieces
MTS Onboard Decoder
Programming functions
You can program numerous func-
tions of the onboard decoder to suit
your requirements. If you want to do
this, program the “function values”
in “registers” (CVs) using a PC and
the 55045 MTS PC Decoder
Programming Module. You can also
program the function values using a
55015 Universal Remote.
- For normal operation, it is not nec-
essary to change the function val-
- If programming results in unsatis-
factory operation, you can repro-
gram the factory pre-set values of
most important CVs: Program reg-
ister CV55 to function value 55.
This also reprograms the loco
address to the factory pre-set
To reprogram the factory pre-set
function values with the 55015,
select programming mode “P” (dis-
plays shows “P --”). Then input 6, 5,
and 5 and press the right arrow but-
ton. The display shows “P --” again:
Input 5, 5, and 5 and press the right
arrow button again.
Standing sounds:
With the Multi-
Train System, you hear the diesel
motor idling while the loco is stand-
To hear the standing sounds with
analog operation, a low voltage
(approx. 6.5 volts) must be main-
tained on the tracks. Turn the throttle
to a low setting so that the loco does
not yet start, but you can hear the
To obtain standing sounds with
analog operation while the throttle is
turned off and when reversing the
locomotive's direction, the 65011
Sound Unit Power Storage must be
installed. For questions regarding the
installation of the 65011, please con-
tact your authorized retailer.
This model is equipped with a
starting delay circuit. This enables
the model to produce standing
sounds while it is stopped.
Do not connect this model
to other locomotives with different
starting characteristics. This can
damage the internal gearing.
This model features directional light-
ing. The model has a "flat" multi-pur-
pose socket, with a removable cover,
at the rear of the loco (Fig. 3). This
socket can be used to provide track
power to LGB cars with lighting or
sound electronics.
To remove the cover of the socket,
pull it straight out. If the cover is
tight, gently use a small straight
screwdriver to pry it out. (Do not pull
out the rectangular outer housing.)
Power Supply
For safety and reliability,
operate this model with LGB power
supplies (transformers, power packs
and controls) only. The use of non-
LGB power supplies will void your
Use this model with LGB power sup-
with an output of more than 1
For more information on LGB
power supplies for indoor, outdoor
and multi-train operation, see the
LGB catalog.
After extended operation,
this model may leave carbon dust or
other debris around the track. This
dust and debris can stain carpet and
other materials. Consider this when
setting up your layout. Ernst Paul
Lehmann Patentwerk and LGB of
America are not liable for any dam-
Do-It-Yourself Service Levels
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Improper service will void
your warranty. For quality service,
contact your authorized retailer or an
LGB factory service station (see
Authorized Service
Additional expert instructions
for many LGB products are available
at www.lgb.com.
The axle bearings should be lubricat-
ed occasionally with a small amount
of LGB Maintenance Oil (50019).
This model can be cleaned externally
using a mild detergent and gentle
stream of water. Do not immerse this
This model is equipped
with sound electronics. Do not