the smoke generator. It is hot and fragile.
Oil the ends of the side rods now and then with a drop of
LGB maintenance oil (item no. 50019).
Replacing the light bulbs Lanterns:
Pull the lantern housing away from the model. Pull the
socket out of the housing. Pull the plug-in bulb out of the
socket. Plug in a new bulb. Reassemble.
Replacing the smoke generator
– Pull the safety cover out of the smoke stack (Fig. 3).
– Use pliers or tweezers to pull the old smoke generator
out of the stack (Fig. 4).
– Cut the wires to the old generator and attach them to
the replacement generator (Fig. 5).
– Insulate the connections and push the replacement
generator into the stack.
– Reassemble.
Changing Traction Tires
– Remove the hex screw on the drive wheel with the
traction tire.
– Remove the side rods.
– Use a small, straight-blade screwdriver to replace the
traction tire:
– Pry the old traction tire out of the wheel groove.
– Gently insert the new traction tire into the wheel groo-
– Make sure that the traction tire is seated properly in the
wheel groove.
– Reassemble.
Spare Parts
50010 Smoke and Cleaning Fluid
50019 Maintenance Oil
51020 Gear Lubricant
62204 Standard Motor with Long Shaft
63120 Brushes, Assembled, 14 mm and 16 mm, 8 pieces
63218 Standard Pick-Up Shoes, 2 pieces
65853 Smoke Generator, 5 V
68511 Plug-In Bulb, Clear, 5 V, 10 pieces
69184 Traction Tires, 46.5 mm, 10 pieces