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Please read these safety precautions carefully before using the product.


Please use the product in the proper environment to extend the product lifespan. Use the product in a safe and 
stable place.


The warranty does not cover any damage resulting from reckless use or use in undesirable environments.


LG Electronics Inc. does not provide warranty for data loss. In order to minimize damage from data loss, please 
make backup copies of important data.


Manufacturers and installers cannot provide services related to human safety as this wireless device may cause 
radio interference.

Precautions to the AC Adapter and Electrical Power


If water or any foreign substance goes inside the product (TV, monitor, power cord, or AC adapter), disconnect 
the power cord immediately and contact the service center.



Otherwise, this may cause a fire or electric shock due to damage to the product.


Do not touch the power plug or AC adapter with wet hands. If the pins of the plug are wet or dusty, wipe and 
dry them before use.



Otherwise, this may cause a fire or electric shock.


Make sure to completely insert the power cord into the AC adapter.



If loosely connected, the poor connection may cause a fire or electric shock.


Be sure to use power cords and AC adapters provided or approved by LG Electronics, Inc.



The use of non-approved products may cause a fire or electric shock.


When unplugging the power cord, always pull it by the plug. Do not bend the power cord with excessive force.



The power line can be damaged, which may cause electric shock or fire.


Be careful not to step or place heavy objects (electronic appliances, clothing, etc.) on the power cord or AC 
adapter. Be careful not to damage the power cord or AC adapter with sharp objects.



Damaged power cords may cause a fire or electric shock.


Never disassemble, repair or modify the power cord or AC adapter.



This may cause a fire or electric shock.


Use only the power cord supplied with the unit or another manufacturer's authorized cord.



Failure to do so may result in fire or electrical shock or damage to the product.


Use only a properly grounded plug and receptacle.



If you do not you may be electrocuted or injured. Or the product might be damaged.


Do not use a damaged or loose plug.



This may cause electrical shock or fire.


Operate the display only from a power source(i.e. voltage) indicated in the product specification.



Otherwise the product can be damaged, fire can occur or you may be electrocuted. If you are not sure what 
type of power supply you have, consult a certified electrician.


In the presence of thunder and lightning, never touch the power cord and signal cable because it can be very 



It can cause electric shock.


Do not connect several extension cords, electrical appliances or electrical heaters to a single outlet. Use a power 
bar with a grounding terminal designed for exclusive use with the computer.



A fire can break out due to overheating.


Do not touch the power plug with wet hands. Additionally, if the cord pin is wet or covered with dust, dry the 
power plug completely or wipe dust off before plugging in the cord.



You may be electrocuted due to excess moisture.


If you don’t intend to use the product for a long time, unplug the power cable from the product.



Covering dust can cause a fire, or insulation deterioration can cause electric leakage, electric shock or fire.


Insert the power plug firm so it cannot come loose.



A loose connection can cause fire.


Do not insert metal or other conductive materials into the product openings. Additionally, do not touch the 
power cable right after plugging into the wall input terminal.



You may be electrocuted.


The AC Plug is the disconnecting device. It should be easily accessible in case of emergency. 


Please make sure the device is installed near the wall outlet to which it is connected and that the outlet is 
easily accessible.


Be sure to keep the outlet, AC adapter, and pins of the power plug clean from dust and etc.



This may cause a fire.


Do not unplug the power cord while the product is in use.



Electrical shock can damage the product.

Summary of Contents for UltraWide 38CK900G

Page 1: ...ismanualcarefullybeforeoperatingyoursetand retainitforfuturereference 38CK900G OWNER S MANUAL LGUltraWide All in One MFL69200812 1810 REV02 www lg com Copyright 2018LGElectronicsInc AllRightsReserved PrintedinKorea ...

Page 2: SDLogoisatrademarkofSD 3C LLC TheBluetooth wordmarkandlogosareregisteredtrademarks ownedbyBluetoothSIG Inc andanyuseofsuchmarksby LGElectronicsInc isunderlicense Othertrademarksandtrade namesarethoseoftheirrespectiveowners USBType CTM andUSB CTM aretrademarksofUSBImplementersForum TABLE OF CONTENTS LICENSE 2 IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS 3 OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE NOTICE INFORMATION 6 BEFORE READINGTHE OWN...

Page 3: ...shock Useonlythepowercordsuppliedwiththeunitoranothermanufacturer sauthorizedcord Failuretodosomayresultinfireorelectricalshockordamagetotheproduct Useonlyaproperlygroundedplugandreceptacle Ifyoudonotyoumaybeelectrocutedorinjured Ortheproductmightbedamaged Donotuseadamagedorlooseplug Thismaycauseelectricalshockorfire Operatethedisplayonlyfromapowersource i e voltage indicatedintheproductspecificat...

Page 4: ...thesystemmayfailtooperate properly Operatetheproductwherethereisnoelectromagneticinterference Keepaproperdistancebetweentheproductandelectronicappliancessuchasradiosorspeakersthat generatestrongmagneticfields Otherwise datamaybelostfromthestoragedevice SSD ortheLCDcolormaybedamaged Donotconnectakey phonelinetoawiredLANport Afiremayoccurortheproductmaygetdamaged IftheLCDscreenisdamaged donottouchLC...

Page 5: ...ed shakenorexposedtoexternalshockwhilethestoragedeviceisrunning filedamage orbadsectorsmayoccur Tominimizedatalossresultingfromstoragedevicedamage SSD frequentlybackupimportantdata Themanufacturerisnotresponsibleforanydataloss Donotattempttodisassemble repairormodifytheproductyourself Fireorelectricshockcanoccur ContactLGCustomerServiceforrepair Whencleaningtheproduct unplugthepowercordandscrubgen...

Page 6: ...ngontheuserenvironment ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING CAUTION AlwaysusegenuineLGcomponentstoensuresafetyandproductperformance Theproductwarrantywillnotcoverdamageorinjurycausedbytheuseofunauthorizedcomponents Itisrecommendedthatusethesuppliedcomponents IfyouusegenericcablesnotcertifiedbyLG thescreenmaynotdisplayortheremaybeimagenoises Illustrationsinthisdocumentrepresenttypicalprocedures sotheymaylookdi...

Page 7: ...Monitor Joystick Button Power Indicator How to Use the Joystick Button Youcaneasilycontrolthefunctionsofthemonitorbypressingthejoystickbuttonormovingitleft right up downwithyourfinger Basic Functions Power on Pressthejoystickbuttononcewithyourfingerto turnonthemonitor Power off Pressandholdthejoystickbuttononcemorethan 5secondswithyourfingertoturnoffthemonitor Volume control Youcancontrolthevolume...

Page 8: ...turnonthepower Monitor Pressthebuttonatthebottomoftheproducttoturnonthepower CAUTION DonotusetheAC DCadapterwhenitisinanexcessivelybentposition IftheAC DCadaptercableisusedforlongperiodswhilebent itcouldcauseinternalwiringtobecome severedandcauseelectricalshocksorstartafire ...

Page 9: ... USB CTM Port2 USB3 11 3 Webcam 10 USBPort USB3 11 4 Built inspeaker 11 DP OUTPort 5 Multi cardslot 12 HeadphonePort 4 poleearmicrophoneport3 6 SecurityKeyHole KensingtonLock 13 LANPort 7 HDMI INPort Monitor 14 DC INPort 1 DevicesthatarenotUSB3 1certifiedwillnotworkproperlywithUSB3 1ports 2 TheUSB CTM portworksasaUSB3 1port 3 The4 poleearmicrophoneportsupportsthe4 polestandardoftheUS however theEu...

Page 10: ...iltitsideways CAUTION Avoidtouchingthemonitorscreenasmuchaspossible Thismayresultindamagetothescreenorsomeofthepixelsusedtocreateimages Installing theWall Mount Plate Thismonitormeetsthespecificationsforthewallmountplateorothercompatibledevices NOTE Thewallmountplateissoldseparately Formoreinformationoninstallation refertothewallmountplate sinstallationguide Becarefulnottoapplytoomuchforcewhilemou...

Page 11: ...maydamagetheinsideoftheproduct Formoreinformation pleaserefertotheusermanualforthewallmountingbracket CAUTION Unplugthepowercordbeforemovingorinstallingthemonitortoavoidelectricshock Installingthemonitorontheceilingoronaslantedwallmayresultinthemonitorfallingoff whichcouldlead toinjury UseanauthorizedLGwallmountandcontactthelocaldealerorqualifiedpersonnel Applyingexcessiveforcewhentighteningscrews...

Page 12: ...layPort toHDMIcablemaycausecompatibilityissues UseacertifiedcablewiththeHDMIlogoattached IfyoudonotuseacertifiedHDMIcable thescreenmaynot displayoraconnectionerrormayoccur RecommendedHDMIcabletypes High SpeedHDMI TM cable High SpeedHDMI TM cablewithEthernet DisplayPort Connection TransmitsdigitalvideoandaudiosignalsfromyourPCtothemonitor NOTE TheremaybenovideooraudiooutputdependingontheDP DisplayP...

Page 13: ... ItisrecommendedtouseaUSBhuborharddiskdrivewithpowersupplied Ifthepowersupplyisnot adequate theUSBdevicemaynotberecognizedproperly Headphones Connection Connectperipheralstothemonitorviatheheadphonesport NOTE Peripheraldevicesaresoldseparately DependingontheaudiosettingsofthePCandexternaldevice headphonesandspeakerfunctionsmay belimited Ifyouuseangledearphones itmaycauseaproblemwithconnectinganoth...

Page 14: ... Incorrectsystemsetupmaycauseerrorsduringsystem operation Usecautionwhenchangingthesystemsetup Forperformanceimprovement thesystemsetupmenuconfigurationandtheinitialsetupstatusmaybe changedandmaybecomedifferentfromimagesincludedintheusermanual 1 Rebootthesystemandpress F2 2 Inafewmoments thesystemsetupscreenappears Keys Used in System Setup Keys Function SelectScreen SelectItem Enter Select Change...

Page 15: Restart in thesystempowermenu andthenimmediatelypressthecorrespondingfunctionkeyduetothefastbooting speed Changing the Boot Order 1 Rebootthesystemandpress F2 2 Movetothe Boot menuwhenthesystemsetupscreenappears 3 Press Enter 4 Selectthebootingorderandpress Enter 5 Press F4 andselect Yes andpress Enter 6 Thechangesaresavedandthesystemreboots Selecting a Booting Device to Use 1 Rebootthesyste...

Page 16: ... Enablesthemainmenu Main menu enabled Exitsthemainmenu Holdingdownthebuttonmorethan5secondstoturnoffthemonitor Youcanturnoffthemonitorthiswayatanytime includingwhentheOSDison Main menu disabled Adjuststhemonitorvolumelevel Main menu enabled EnterstheInputfeatures Main menu disabled Adjuststhemonitorvolumelevel Main menu enabled EnterstheSettingsfeature Main menu disabled Displaystheinformationonth...

Page 17: Setsthegamemodeforgaming Exit Exitsthemainmenu Menu Settings 1 ToviewtheOSDmenu pressthejoystickbuttonatthebottomofthemonitorandthenentertheSettings 2 Movethejoystickup downandleft righttosettheoptions 3 Toreturntotheuppermenuorsetothermenuitems movethejoystickto orpressing it 4 IfyouwanttoexittheOSDmenu movethejoystickto untilyouexit Quick Settings Input Picture General ...

Page 18: ...thescreen Contrast Volume Adjuststhevolume NOTE YoucanadjustMute Unmutebymovingthejoystickbuttonto intheVolumemenu ColorTemp Custom Theusercanadjustittored green orbluebycustomization Warm Setsthescreencolortoareddishtone Medium Setsthescreencolortobetweenaredandbluetone Cool Setsthescreencolortoabluishtone ...

Page 19: ...withanaspectratioof21 9 at1080p Cinema 2 Enlargesthescreenwithanaspectratioof21 9 includingtheblackboxatthebottomforsubtitles at1080p NOTE ThedisplaymaylookthesameforFullWide Original and1 1optionsattherecommendedresolution 3840x1600 Thereisno1 1 Cinema 1 Cinema 2menuonFreeSyncMode GotoPicture Game Adjust FreeSync tosetFreeSyncOnorOff PBP Displaysthescreensoftwoinputmodesononemonitor Main Sub Scre...

Page 20: ...FullWide DisplaysthevideotofitthePBPscreen regardlessofthevideosignalinput Original DisplaysthevideointheaspectratioofthevideosignalinputonthePBPscreen Sub Aspect Ratio FullWide DisplaysthevideotofitthePBPscreen regardlessofthevideosignalinput Original DisplaysthevideointheaspectratioofthevideosignalinputonthePBPscreen PBP Youcandisablethefeaturethatdisplaysimagesfromtwoinputmodessimultaneouslyono...

Page 21: ...vironment Dark Room 2 ThismodesetsthebrightnesstoalowerlevelthanDark Room 1 ColorWeakness Thismodeisforuserswhocannotdistinguishbetweenredandgreen Itenablesuserswithcolorweaknesstoeasilydistinguish betweenthetwocolors FPS Game 1 ThismodeisoptimizedforFPSgames FPS Game 2 IthasahigherBlack StabilizervaluethanFPS Game 1 ItissuitableforverydarkFPSgames RTS Game ThismodeisoptimizedforRTSGame Custom Gam...

Page 22: Bestforstillimagesorimageswithlessmovement Off Displaysinthemostcommonsetting DisablesSUPER RESOLUTION NOTE Becausethisisafunctiontoincreasethesharpnessoflowresolutionpictures itisnotrecommendedtousethefunctionfor normaltextorfordesktopicons Doingsomayresultinunnecessarilyhighsharpness Black Level Setstheoffsetlevel forHDMIonly Offset asareferenceforavideosignal thisisthedarkestcolorthemonitorc...

Page 23: ...theinputsignalwiththatoftheoutputsignal CAUTION SupportedInterface DisplayPort HDMI PC SupportedGraphicCard AgraphiccardthatsupportsAMD sFreeSyncisnecessary SupportedVersion Makesuretoupdatethegraphiccardtothelatestdriver Formoreinformationandrequirement refertoAMDwebsiteathttp www amd com FreeSync On FreeSyncfunctionon NOTE WhenFreeSyncfunctionisOn thebrightnessisreduced Off Disablesthefeature Bl...

Page 24: ...ndbluetone Cool Setsthescreencolortoabluishtone Red Green Blue Youcancustomizethepicturecolorusingred green andbluecolors Six Color Meetstheuserrequirementsforcolorsbyadjustingthehueandsaturationofthesixcolors red green blue cyan magenta and yellow andthensavingthesettings Hue Adjuststhetoneofthescreencolors Saturation Adjuststhesaturationofthescreencolors Thelowerthevalue thelesssaturatedandbrigh...

Page 25: ...epowerLEDonthebottomofthemonitoronoroff NOTE WhenthePowerLEDfunctionisturnedon itoperatesasfollows OnMode White SleepMode WhiteBlinking OffMode Off On ThepowerLEDturnsonautomatically Off Disablesthefeature Automatic Standby Featurethatautomaticallyturnsoffthemonitorwhenthereisnomovementonthescreenforaperiodoftime Youcansetatimerfortheauto offfunction Off 4 H 6 H and 8 H HDMI Compatibility Mode HDM...

Page 26: ...phiccard SetthisoptiontoDisableifyourgraphiccarddoesnotsupportDisplayPort1 2 OSD Lock Thisfeaturedisablestheconfigurationandadjustmentofmenus On EnablesOSD Lock Off Disablesthefeature Information ThedisplayinformationwillbeshowntheModel Serial Number Total Power OnTime Resolution Reset Do you want to reset your settings No Canceltheselect Yes Returnstothedefaultsettings ...

Page 27: ...ntactthemanufacturer Screen display is unstable and shaky Images displayed on the monitor leave shadow trails Didyouselecttheappropriateresolution IftheselectedresolutionisHDMI1080i60 50Hz interlaced thescreenmaybeflickering Changetheresolutionto1080portherecommended resolution Notsettingthegraphicscardtotherecommended optimal resolutionmayresultinblurredtext adimmedscreen atruncateddisplayareaor ...

Page 28: ...creasingthevolumewithkeys SettheaudiooutputofthePCtothemonitoryouareusing Thesettingsmaydifferdependingontheoperatingsystem OS youuse PC You cannot turn on the power Checkifthepowercordisconnected Afterdisconnectingthepowercordandreconnectingit pressthepowerbuttonoftheproduct Ifthereisnoproblemwiththepowercord pressandholdthepowerbuttonforabout4secondstoresetthesystem If the system freezes during ...

Page 29: A16 140P1A manufacturedbyCHICONYPOWERTECHNOLOGYCo Ltd Output 19V 7 37A Environmental Conditions OperatingConditions Temperature 0 Cto40 C 32 Fto104 F Humidity Lessthan80 StoringConditions Temperature 20 Cto60 C 4 Fto140 F Humidity Lessthan85 Dimensions MonitorSize WidthxHeightxDepth 897 3x424x100 3 mm 35 3x16 6x3 9 inches Weight 8 8kg 19 4lbs Specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice TheOpe...

Page 30: ...n the model The user must not arbitrarily replace the memory Storage Device 128GBSSD Storage device size may differ depending on the model Bluetooth Bluetooth4 2 IfyouconnecttoBluetoothdeviceandwirelessLANatthesametime thesystemmaybecomeslow InordertouseBluetooth4 2 thedeviceyouwanttoconnecttoshouldsupportBluetooth4 2 Bluetooth specifications may differ by OS Wireless LAN Intel 8265NGW Manufacture...

Page 31: ...ks 640x480 31 469 59 94 800x600 37 879 60 317 1024x768 48 363 60 0 1152x864 54 347 60 05 1280x720 45 60 1280x1024 63 981 60 02 1600x900 60 00 60 00 1680x1050 65 29 59 954 1920x1080 67 50 60 1920x1080 83 894 74 973 3440x1440 88 82 59 97 3440x1440 110 77 75 05 3840x1600 50 39 29 99 3840x1600 102 23 59 99 3840x1600 102 24 60 3840x1600 128 69 75 ...

Page 32: ...el AC8265 Specifications Wireless LAN IEEE 802 11 a b g n ac Frequencyrange Outputpower Max 2400to2483 5MHz 19dBm 5150to5725MHz 19dBm 5725to5850MHz 19dBm Bluetooth Frequencyrange Outputpower Max 2400to2483 5MHz 10dBm Asbandchannelscanvarypercountry theusercannotchangeoradjusttheoperatingfrequency Thisproductisconfiguredfortheregionalfrequencytable Forconsiderationoftheuser thisdeviceshouldbeinstal...

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Page 36: ...dkeepitathand Pleasenotethatthelabel attachedtotheproductprovidesinformationfortechnicalsupport Model SerialNo Declaration of Conformity TradeName LG Model 38CK900G ResponsibleParty LGElectronicsInc Address 1000SylvanAve EnglewoodCliffsNJ07632U S A TEL 201 266 2534 ...
