Room Air Conditioner
Operating Instructions
Manual Smart Clean Operation
When you press the Smart Clean button of the remote controller
with the air conditioner stopped, the Smart Clean function operates.
• The Smart Clean function does not operate while the air conditioner operates.
When you press the Smart Clean button of the remote controller while the Smart Clean
function operates, the Smart Clean function is ended.
At this time, the LED of the brush blinks and returns to the original position (at the left side of
the filter) not to interfere the operation of the air conditioner.
• When you press the Smart Clean button to enable the Smart Clean function while the brush is returning to the original
position, the Smart Clean starts after the brush arrives at the original position. (The LED is turned off while returning.)
• Smart Clean Set to the manual mode at the time of the product shipment.
• The Brush stop to working when the Front Grill is open. If the Front Grill is closed, the Brush restarts moving
for the cleaning Air Filter. If the Front Grill is opened for a long time while the Smart Clean operates, when
the Front Grill is closed, the Smart Clean is automatically ended and the brush returns to the initial position.
• When the Smart Clean Operation is ended, the Smart Clean Mark is automatically disappeared from the
screen of the remote controller after a while. But, if the Auto Smart Clean is set, the Smart Clean Mark is
not disappeared.
Auto Smart Clean Operation
If the accumulated operation time of the product exceeds 30 hours, the Smart Clean automatically starts when the air
conditioner is ended.
1. Select ‘Smart clean’ by the function setting button( ) .
(The order of Auto clean
Smart clean
Off is repeated\whenever you press the button.)
2. Set the Smart clean function by using the SET/CLEAR button
• When the Auto Smart Clean Operation is set, the Smart Clean automatically operates, so the separate
operation is not needed.
• When it is ended due to the reserved operation or the sleeping operation, the Auto Smart Clean Operation
does not operate. When you operate the Manual Smart Clean with the Auto Smart Clean set, you can
check whether the Manual Smart Clean is executed or stopped by hearing the "beep" sound of the product.
(The Smart Clean Mark continues to be displayed on the screen of the remote controller.)
• Operating the Smart Clean may cause to generate some noise from the sucking motor and the brush. The
noise from the brush and the sucking motor may be felt even louder because the surrounding condition is
quiet at night.