10. Model : OK55, OK75
Main PCB : EAX67851701
ECO NO : EKNJ400042
Change Details : R5B3, R5B39 : 0RJ4701C678(4.7KΩ, 1005, 5%, 1/16W) → 0RJ4700C678(470Ω, 1005, 5%, 1/16W)
* It should support only the model that produced before 2019.4.8
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EAX67851701 Main PCB (The Bottom surface)
Check the chip resister value
with Multi tester
After checking R5B3 or R5B39 resister value
-If it is about 4.7KΩ, Change Main board
-If it is about 470Ω,
We don’t need to change Main board
Service Bulletin
Product : Mini / Onebody / Louder
Bulletin # :
Release Date : 2019.08.22