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Summary of Contents for MH7043BAKS


Page 2: ... microwave energy Precautions When heating liquids e g soups sauces and beverages in your microwave oven overheating the liquid beyond boiling point can occur without evidence of bubbling This could result in a sudden boil over of the hot liquid To prevent this possibility the following steps should be taken 1 Avoid using straight sided containers with narrow necks 2 Do not overheat 3 Stir the liq...

Page 3: ...waves do not heat cookware though cooking vessels will eventually get hot from the heat generated by the food A very safe appliance Contents Your microwave oven is one of the safest of all home appliances When the door is opened the oven automatically stops producing microwaves Microwave energy is converted completely to heat when it enters food leaving no left over energy to harm you when you eat...

Page 4: ...e outlet can damage the oven Unpacking Installing Unpack your oven and place it on a flat level surface By following the basic steps on these two pages you will be able to quickly check that your oven is operating correctly Please pay particular attention to the guidance on where to install your oven When unpacking your oven make sure you remove all accessories and packing Check to make sure that ...

Page 5: any doubts about what type of container to use please refer to page 37 Open your oven door by pushing the Place the ROTATING RING inside the oven and place the GLASS TRAY on top Plug your oven into a standard household socket Make sure your oven is the only appliance connected to the socket If your oven does not operate properly unplug it from the electrical socket and then plug it back in DOOR...

Page 6: ...any strange looking symbols unplug your oven from the electrical socket and plug it back in and reset the clock Make sure that you have correctly installed your oven as described earlier in this book Press STOP CLEAR Press once If you want to use a 12 hour clock Press once more If you want to change different option after setting clock you have to unplug and plug it back in Press 10 MIN fifteen ti...

Page 7: ...he display to let you know that CHILD LOCK is set To cancel CHILD LOCK press and hold STOP CLEAR until L disappears You will hear BEEP when it s released Your oven has a safety feature that prevents accidental running of the oven Once the child lock is set you will be unable to use any functions and no cooking can take place However your child can still open the oven door Press STOP CLEAR L ...

Page 8: ...ree times Press Your oven has five microwave Power settings High power is automatically selected but repeated presses of the MICRO key will select a different power level In the following example I will show you how to cook some food on 80 power for 5 minutes and 30 seconds POWER HIGH MEDIUM HIGH MEDIUM DEFROST MEDIUM LOW LOW Press MICRO 100 80 60 40 20 time times times times times Power Output 90...

Page 9: Water Brown minced beef Cook poultry pieces fish vegetables Cook tender cuts of meat MEDIUM HIGH All reheating Roast meat and poultry Cook mushrooms and shellfish Cook foods containing cheese and eggs MEDIUM Bake cakes and scones Prepare eggs Cook custard Prepare rice soup DEFROST All thawing MEDIUM LOW Melt butter and chocolate Cook less tender cuts of meat LOW Soften butter cheese Soften ice ...

Page 10: ...s Press 1 MIN five times Press During two stage cooking the oven door can be opened and food checked Close the oven door and press and the cooking stage will continue At the end of stage1 BEEP sounds and stage 2 commences Should you wish to clear the programme press STOP CLEAR twice In the following example I will show you how to cook some food in two stages The first stages will cook your food fo...

Page 11: During QUICK START cooking you can extend the cooking time up to 10 minutes by repeatedly pressing the key The QUICK START feature allows you to set 30 seconds intervals of HIGH power cooking with a touch of the START key In the following example I will show you how to set 2 minutes of cooking on high power START Q START START Q START ...

Page 12: ...wice Press 10 SEC three times This model is fitted with a QUARTZ GRILL so preheating is not needed This feature will allow you to brown and crisp food quickly In the following example I will show you how to use the grill to cook some food for 12 minutes and 30 seconds Press GRILL RACK START Q START ...

Page 13: ... inside Moreover preheating your oven is not necessary In the following example I will show you how to programme your oven with combi mode Co 3 for a cooking time of 25 minutes Press COMBI three times Co 3 appears on the display Set the cooking time Press 10 MIN two times Press 1 MIN five times Press When cooking you can use MORE LESS key to increase decrease cooking time Be careful when removing ...

Page 14: ...n the following example I will show you how to cook 0 4 kg of Couscous CONTINENTAL MENUallows you to cook most of your favorite food easily by selecting the food type and entering the weight of the food Press Category Continental Menu Couscous time Jollof Rice times Fufu times Potato Gratin times Chicken Tagine times ...

Page 15: ...ble mixture 15 pealed pearl onions or 2 cups sliced onions 15oz Can chick peas 2 large boiled potatoes cubed 1 sliced carrots 1 2 cup chopped cilantro 1 4 cup chopped parsley 2 tablespoons minced garlic 1 teaspoon paprika 1 4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 2 teaspoon salt 1 2 teaspoon black pepper 2 cans tomato sauce 1 Chicken broth 1 1 2 cups water 2 tablespoons butter 1 Cook onions and butter for 5 minutes u...

Page 16: ...oose the menu and press start to cook Stir at least twice during cooking Fufu 0 5 1 0 kg Microwave safe bowl Room Ingredients Cassava or white yam 0 5 kg 0 75 kg 1 0 kg Water 1 cup 1 cup 2 cup 2 tablespoons of butter Salt and pepper 1 Place the unpeeled yams or cassava in a large bowl and pour water cover with plastic wrap and vent 2 Place food in the oven Choose the menu and press start to cook 3...

Page 17: ...f of heavy cream and sprinkle 100g Gruyere cheese 2 Add the rest of potato mixture pour remaining cream and finally sprinkle top with remaining Gruyere cheese 3 Place baking dish on the rack Choose the menu and weight press start Chicken Tagine 1 0 kg Microwave safe bowl Room Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 8 skinless boneless chicken thighs halved if large 150ml water 1 onion chopped 2 teaspo...

Page 18: ...18 In the following example I will show you how to cook 0 4 kg of Saffron Rice ARABIC MENU allows you to cook most of your favorite food easily by selecting the food type and entering the weight of the food Press Category Arabic Menu Grape Leaf time Saffron Rice times Kabsa times Kafta times Kebab times ...

Page 19: ...the center of the leaf Wrap rice mixture with leaf 4 Put all wrapped leaves in rows into a deep and large bowl and add water Cover with plastic wrap 5 Place food in the oven Choose the menu and press start to cook 6 After cooking serve with sour cream or as desired Saffron Rice 0 1 0 4 kg Microwave safe bowl deep glass pot Room Rice 0 1 kg 0 2 kg 0 3 kg 0 4 kg Water 250 ml 500 ml 750 ml 1000 ml Oi...

Page 20: ...und coriander salt freshly ground black pepper 2 cups hot water 1 chicken stock cube 200g long grain rice don t rinse or soak this 1 4 cup raisins 1 4 cup slivered almond toasted 1 Cook chicken carrots tomato sauce garlic onion and butter in a lightly oiled frying pan until lightly browned 2 Place the cooked chicken mixture into a deep and large bowl and add rice water and spices Cover with plasti...

Page 21: ... 2 Divide and shape into small sausages 100g each one 3 Place food on the rack Choose the menu and press start to cook 4 When beep turn over the food Kebab 0 2 0 4 kg Rack on a drip dish Room Ingredients for marinade 2 onion juice 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons saffron 1 Combine the ingredients of the marinade cut meats under 1 5 cm thickness each and marinate the meats for 3 4 hours 2 Skew...

Page 22: of your favorite food easily by selecting the food type and entering the weight of the food Press Category European Menu Spaghetti Bolognese time Spaghetti Carbonara times Stuffed Tomato times Apple Pie times Lasagna times In the following example I will show you how to cook 1 0 kg of Spaghetti Bolognese ...

Page 23: ...ce to cooked pasta and garnish with parmesan cheese or as desired before serving Spaghetti carbonara 0 4 kg Microwave safe bowl Room Ingredients for carbonara sauce 100 g smoked bacon chopped 1 garlic clove crushed 1 2 cup cream 4 egg yolks 100 g parmesan cheese Salt and pepper to taste Ingredients for pasta 150 g pasta cooked as package direction 1 tablespoon parmesan cheese 1 Cook bacon in a lig...

Page 24: tomatoes with salt and pepper 2 Add the rest of the ingredients in a bowl mix well 3 Stuff tomatoes with beef mixture and replace hat 4 Place stuffed tomatoes on a dish and cover with plastic wrap 5 Place food in the oven Choose the menu and press start to cook Apple pie 1 21cm Heat proof glass dish on the rack Room Ingredients baked pastry baked on 21cm baking dish 50g apple jam 1 apples slice...

Page 25: ...ast 2 lasagna noodles and remaining meat and tomato sauce 3 Sprinkle grated cheese on top 4 Place food in the oven Choose the menu press start Meat and tomato sauce 1 celery stalk chopped 1 onion chopped 1 clove garlic crushed 800g well ripe tomatoes chopped 1 sprig thyme 1 bay leaf 300g ground beef Salt and pepper to taste 1 Cook celery onions and garlic in a lightly oiled frying pan until soft 2...

Page 26: ...will show you how to cook 1 5 kg of Curry Chicken ORIENTAL MENU allows you to cook most of your favorite food easily by selecting the food type and entering the weight of the food Press Category Oriental Menu Curry Chicken time Dolma times Veg Biryani times Chicken Tikka times Flapjack Koutaba times ...

Page 27: ...d in the oven Choose the menu and press start to cook Stir at least twice during cooking Dolma 1 0 kg Microwave safe bowl Room Ingredients 1 pot of grapes leaves 200 g cooked rice 500 g ground beef 1 onion chopped Salt and pepper to taste 1 2 cup water 1 2 cup sour cream 1 Add cooked rice ground beef onion salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well 2 Place grape leaf on a flat surface and place 1 1 2 ...

Page 28: ...min powder 1 tablespoon Biryani masala 1 Cinnamon 2 Cardamom 2 Cloves 2 Small bay leaves 1 teaspoon Fennel seeds A bunch of finely chopped coriander leaves cilantro and mint leaves 1 tablespoon Oil 2 tablespoons Ghee or clarified butter Salt to taste 1 Cook all vegetables and spices in a lightly oiled frying pan until lightly browned 2 Place the cooked vegetable mixture into a deep and large bowl ...

Page 29: ...ake a tandoori marinade 3 Marinate the chicken in the marinade for 2 3 hours 4 Shake off excess marinade and skewer the pieces of vegetable with the skewer 6 Place skewers on the rack 7 Choose the menu and weight press start 8 When beep turn over the food Flapjack Koutaba 0 7 kg Heat proof glass dish on the Rack Ingredients 200g butter 114g brown sugar 4 tablespoons syrup 280g porridge oats 55g pl...

Page 30: ...following example I will show you how to defrost 1 4Kg of frozen poultry Category MEAT POULTRY FISH BREAD Press time times times times Press STOP CLEAR Weigh the food that you are about to defrost Be certain to remove any metallic ties or wraps then place the food in your oven and close the oven door Press AUTO DEFROST twice to select the POULTRY defrosting programme dEF2 appears on the display wi...

Page 31: ...s Food to be defrosted should be in a suitable microwave proof container and place uncovered on the glass turntable If necessary shield small areas of meat or poultry with flat pieces of aluminum foil This will prevent thin areas becoming warm during defrosting Ensure the foil does not touch the oven walls Separate items like minced meat chops and lamb as soon as possible When BEEP turn food over ...

Page 32: ... defrost Be certain to remove any metallic ties or wraps then place the food in your oven and close the oven door Press QUICK DEFROST The oven will start automatically During defrosting your oven will BEEP at which point open the oven door turn food over and separate to ensure even thawing Remove any portions that have thawed or shield them to help slow down thawing After checking close the oven d...

Page 33: ... for minced meet Remove the meat completely from its wrapping Place the mince onto a microwave safe plate When beeps at this point remove the mince from the microwave oven turn the mince over and return to the microwave oven Press start to continue At the end of the program remove the mince from the microwave oven cover with foil and allow to stand 5 15 minutes or until completely thawed Minced Me...

Page 34: ...n used as an independent timer the oven is not running The Timer is simply counting down in seconds In the following example I will show you how to set the timer for 15 minutes Press The time will begin counting down in the display window with no cooking or heating in the oven BEEP will sound and the word End will show in the display window at the end of the countdown period Auto cook START Q STAR...

Page 35: ...llows you to save energy through display off during stand by status or after 5 minutes with door open or closing display will off automatically Press STOP CLEAR ECO ON or After 5 minutes with door open or closing display off During ECO ON status if you press any key display will on 35 ...

Page 36: ... any other part of the oven It is hazardous for anyone to carry out any service or repair operation which involves the removal of any cover which gives protection against exposure to microwave energy Repairs should only be undertaken by a qualified service technician 2 Do not operate the oven when empty It is best to leave a glass of water in the oven when not in use The water will safely absorb a...

Page 37: as tumblers or wine glasses as these might shatter as the food warms Plastic storage containers These can be used to hold foods that are to be quickly reheated However they should not be used to hold foods that will need considerable time in the oven as hot foods will eventually warp or melt plastic containers Paper Paper plates and containers are convenient and safe to use in your microwave ov...

Page 38: ... upper portion of tall food particularly roasts will cook more quickly than the lower portion Therefore it is wise to turn tall food during cooking sometimes several times Food characteristics Microwave cooking Moisture content of food Since the heat generated from microwaves tends to evaporate moisture relatively dry food such as roasts and some vegetables should either be sprinkled with water pr...

Page 39: ...he internal temperature of foods will rise between 50F 30C and 150F 80C during standing time Standing time Foods are often allowed to stand for 3 to 10 minutes after being removed from the microwave oven Usually the foods are covered during standing time to retain heat unless they are supposed to be dry in texture some cakes and biscuits for example Standing allows foods to finish cooking and also...

Page 40: ...n the density of the food Q Is it possible to pop corn in a microwave oven A Yes if using one of the two methods described below 1 Popcorn popping utensils designed specifically for microwave cooking 2 Prepackaged commercial microwave popcorn that contains specific times and power outputs needed for an acceptable final product FOLLOW EXACT DIRECTIONS GIVEN BY EACH MANUFACTURER FOR THEIR POPCORN PR...

Page 41: ...ich is marked with the letter L or colored RED The wire which is colored GREEN YELLOW or GREEN must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter E or If the supply cord is damaged it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard For Singapore If the supply cord is damaged it must be replaced by a special cord or...

Page 42: ...MH7043BARS MH7043BAKS P No MFL67800707 ...

Page 43: ... v ÍœR b a D öð w U UÐË ÂUFD d Š v ÍœR b a D öð w U UÐË ÂUFD d Š v ÍœR b a D öð w U UÐË ÂUFD d Š v ÍœR b a D öð w U UÐË ÂUFD d Š v ÍœR b a D ÆÊdH ÆÊdH ÆÊdH ÆÊdH ÆÊdH d c d c d c d c d c u 5 ð bMŽ Ë U UI qz uA Ë WÐ ËdA Êd w UÐ ËËdJ U U UOŠ Àb b n u Ác 5 ð œU œ u qz Wł R b c ÆlO UIH b UA5 ÊËœ ÊUOKG s5 qzU UJ v Íœ u ËbŠ VM Æ UŽ uD l ð p À WO U Ë Â b Ý VM Æ dÞ_ WLOI 5 w dÐ ÆWIO WO d UNM ð ô Æ uÞ ÆWK d...

Page 44: ...ð ô ËdJ U Uł u ô Ác Ê l5 a D w w wŽ d qFHÐ s Ý W UNM ÆŒu D ÂUFD sŽ W UM ÂUð ÊU5 UNł ÂUð ÊU5 UNł ÂUð ÊU5 UNł ÂUð ÊU5 UNł ÂUð ÊU5 UNł ÆUM5 WO eM eNł_ d I s5 bŠ Ë n ËËdJ U Êd ÆUM5 WO eM eNł_ d I s5 bŠ Ë n ËËdJ U Êd ÆUM5 WO eM eNł_ d I s5 bŠ Ë n ËËdJ U Êd ÆUM5 WO eM eNł_ d I s5 bŠ Ë n ËËdJ U Êd ÆUM5 WO eM eNł_ d I s5 bŠ Ë n ËËdJ U Êd UOzUIKð ÊdH qLŽ n u ÊdH UÐ bMŽ UOzUIKð ÊdH qLŽ n u ÊdH UÐ bMŽ UOzUIK...

Page 45: ...ﻴﻨﻴﺔ زﺟﺎﺟﻴﺔ ﺻﻴﻨﻴﺔ دوراﻧﻴﺔ ﺣﻠﻘﺔ دوراﻧﻴﺔ ﺣﻠﻘﺔ دوراﻧﻴﺔ ﺣﻠﻘﺔ دوراﻧﻴﺔ ﺣﻠﻘﺔ دوراﻧﻴﺔ ﺣﻠﻘﺔ ٢ ٢ ٢ ٢ ٢ اﳌﺴﺘﻮ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻔﺮن ﺿﻊ و ى ﺗﺮ اﻟﺬي اﳌﻜﺎن ﺑﺎر ﻳﺪه ﻳﺰ ﺗﻔﺎع ﺳﻢ ٨٥ ﻋﻦ ﻳﺪ و و ﻣﻦ ﺗﺄﻛﺪ ﻟﻜﻦ ﺟﻮ ﻓﺮ ﺳﻢ ٢٠ اﻷﻗﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ د ﻓﻮ اغ و ﻗﻪ ﺣﻮ ﻓﺮ ﺳﻢ ١٠ اﻟﻲ اغ ور اﻟﺘﻬﻮ أﺟﻞ ﻣﻦ اءه داﺧﻠﻪ ﺗﻜﻮن أن ﻳﺠﺐ اﻟﻔﺮن ﻣﻘﺪﻣﺔ اﳌﻨﺎﺳﺒﺔ ﻳﺔ ﳌﻮ اﻟﺴﻄﺢ ﺣﺎﻓﺔ ﻋﻦ ﺳﻢ ٨ اﻷﻗﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻓﻮ ﺿﻮع ﻳﻘﻊ ﻻ ﺣﺘﻰ ﻗﻪ ﺣﺮ ﻣﺨﺮج ار اﻟﻐﺎز ة ﻣﻮ ات ﺟﻮ و اﻟﺴﻄﺢ ﻋﻠﻰ د ﻋﺪم ﻳﺠﺐ اﻟﻔﺮن ﺟﺎﻧﺐ و...

Page 46: ... w U5 UŽË Ð u tF Æ U s5 d KK5 WOMOB WOMOB WOMOB WOMOB WOMOB WOłUłe WOłUłe WOłUłe WOłUłe WOłUłe Ë X UI ÆÂUJŠUÐ ÊdH UÐ oKž uJý p b sJ1 w WO _ ŸuMÐ ÆÊdH w UN5 b Ý Æ lł WýUý dF dF dF dF dF UM bF b Ý ÆozU œ ÀöŁ w Ë UHv oKDM Ý dHv v qBð U5bMŽ d5 ÀöŁ Æ Ë ÊdH UÐ œ h dŠ Wł ÊUI Æ U ÆU œ U ÊuJOÝ bOł qLŽ b ÊdH bMŽ d Š bMŽ d Š bMŽ d Š bMŽ d Š bMŽ d Š ÆUMšUÝ ÊuJ b t ô U _ l ÆUMšUÝ ÊuJ b t ô U _ l ÆUMšUÝ ÊuJ b t...

Page 47: ...Ž dNEð ô WŽU j UMŁ dF vKŽ ÊU DI M Ë j bMŽ uð WŽU ÆÊU DIM i5 p s5 bIQð I Ò e w 5 5 u ULI O v qJAÐ ÊdH X s5 oÐU ÆqO b c vKŽ jG Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI vKŽ jG Æ d5 WŽU WŽU WŽU WŽU WŽU vKŽ jG WŽUÝ ÂUEMÐ WŽU  b Ý œ WŽU WŽU WŽU WŽU WŽU d5 Ë Æ bŠ s5 ÊdH fÐU qB WŽU j bFÐ UO šô c dOOGð œ Ë UO Ãd 5 d5 tO tKvË dš ÆÈ vKŽ jG ozU œ ozU œ ozU œ ozU œ ozU œ dAŽ fLš d5 Æ vKŽ jG d5 ÀöŁ WIO œ WIO œ ...

Page 48: ... Ë oKDM UHv d5 Ë Æ bŠ Ë Ë j r U bMŽ WHOþ Æ UHÞô öž Æ UHÞô öž Æ UHÞô öž Æ UHÞô öž Æ UHÞô öž Ë u výö dF s5 X ÆWŽU j W UŠ w Ë vI L dF vKŽ dF j W Æ UHÞô öž Æ UHÞô öž Æ UHÞô öž Æ UHÞô öž Æ UHÞô öž Ë UG ù WHOþ UHÞô öž UHÞô öž UHÞô öž UHÞô öž UHÞô öž vKŽ UDžU oÐ 5Ø UI 5Ø UI 5Ø UI 5Ø UI 5Ø UI v Š výö L Ë bMŽ UHv oKDMð e s5 bO l Æ ٧ L ...

Page 49: ...W UÞ W UÞ W UÞ W UÞ w UF w UF w UF w UF w UF d5 jÝu jÝu jÝu jÝu jÝu d5 5ð w UF w UF w UF w UF w UF jÝu jÝu jÝu jÝu jÝu d5 WÐ ô WÐ ô WÐ ô WÐ ô WÐ ô iH M jÝu iH M jÝu iH M jÝu iH M jÝu iH M jÝu d5 iH M iH M iH M iH M iH M d5 µ dð Ê s5 bIQð ËËdJ U Êd VOI e w 5 5 u ULI O v qJAÐ n ÆqO b c s5 oÐU vKŽ jG Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI vKŽ jG Æ W UÞ UO šô 5ðd5 dNE U bMŽ 720 dF vKŽ Æ vKŽ jG WIO œ ...

Page 50: ...Þô s5 Ÿ e WÐ Ë bÐ uA uI ô q _ mC dO Ž ŸuDI r K a Þ iH M iH M iH M iH M iH M e 5OKð Ë bÐ WM dJ ô 5OKð dOLš dO Jð 5 F w W UÞ Èu 5 W UÞ Èu 5 W UÞ Èu 5 W UÞ Èu 5 W UÞ Èu 5 ËËdJ U n tKOGA Ð rJ w W Ëd Ë UO p M n ËËdJ U W UD U u 5 fL Ð œËe5 n ËËdJ U Êd  b Ý bMŽ UNÐ vvu a D W UÞ Èu 5Ë WLFÞ_ iFÐ vKŽ Èu ÁU œQÐ Ëb Æa D WOKLŽË Æ ÊdH c W UD Èu 5 W UD Èu 5 W UD Èu 5 W UD Èu 5 W UD Èu 5 ÃËd u ÃËd u ÃËd u ÃËd u ...

Page 51: ...5 d UG ù vKŽ jG Z5U 5Ø UI 5Ø UI 5Ø UI 5Ø UI 5Ø UI d5 Æ5ð vKŽ jG Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI ËË W UD j X Æ uD K a D Æ uD K a D Æ uD K a D Æ uD K a D Æ uD K a D vKŽ jG ÆWO UF W UD UO šô d5 vKŽ jG ozU œ ozU œ ozU œ ozU œ ozU œ d5 Æ vKŽ jG WIO œ WIO œ WIO œ WIO œ WIO œ Ë d5 bŠ Æ ËË W UD j X Æ uD K a D Æ uD K a D Æ uD K a D Æ uD K a D Æ uD K a D vKŽ jG ÆW UÞ UO šô d5 vKŽ jG ozU œ ozU œ ozU ...

Page 52: ... vKŽ WO UF W UD vKŽ a D j d f l5 WO UŁ ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð vKŽ jG Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI vKŽ jG qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð d5 lÐ W UD vKŽ 5 IO œ b a D UO šô ÆWO UF d jGC UN q a D UÐ b ÊdH ÆlÐ UMŁ l dÝ qOGAð l dÝ qOGAð l dÝ qOGAð l dÝ qOGAð l dÝ qOGAð d Ë b b9 pMJ1 l ozU œ v Š a D X vKŽ jGC UÐ qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð d5 bŽ Æ ١١ ...

Page 53: ... uA w W u u Ë w UF l Ë iH M l UI Ë ŸuM ÆÂUFD s5 r Š vKŽ jG 5Ø UI Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ 5Ø UI 5Ø UI 5Ø UI 5Ø UI vKŽ jG Ë jG Æa D X vKŽ jG ozU œ ozU œ ozU œ ozU œ ozU œ d5 Æ vKŽ jG WIO œ WIO œ WIO œ WIO œ WIO œ Æ5ð d5 vKŽ jG Ê uŁ Ê uŁ Ê uŁ Ê uŁ Ê uŁ d5 ÀöŁ Æ vKŽ jG ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆWO UŁ Ë WIO œ b WLFÞ_ iFÐ a D W uA UÐ a D WOHOI dFð Ê pMJ1 w U U w w UŽ w UŽ w UŽ w UŽ w UŽ ١٢ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ ...

Page 54: ...dH s5 ÂUFD Ã dš bMŽ W UMŽ cš Æ bł UMšUÝ ÊuJ UŽu Êô ÊdH s5 ÂUFD Ã dš bMŽ W UMŽ cš Æ bł UMšUÝ ÊuJ UŽu Êô ÊdH s5 ÂUFD Ã dš bMŽ W UMŽ cš a D a D a D a D a D wFL Ë t ÊdH Íc wFL a D WHOþ uÐ ÂUFD a DÐ p L WDÝ n ËËdJ U Ë W U n ËËdJ U Ë W U n ËËdJ U Ë W U n ËËdJ U Ë W U n ËËdJ U Ë W U fH w u u vKŽ Ë X c œUŽ Æw dG Ý wMF u a D q _ X ÆÂUFD Ëd s5 W U Ë Ëd s5 W U Ë Ëd s5 W U Ë Ëd s5 W U Ë Ëd s5 W U Ë uA DÝ Í ÂU...

Page 55: ... vKŽ jG 4Ø UI Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ 4Ø UI 4Ø UI 4Ø UI 4Ø UI vKŽ jG ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð vKŽ jG d H_ d H_ d H_ d H_ d H_ d4 fLš Ær H Ušœù ١٤ vKŽ jG ...

Page 56: ...ليط أونصة 15 حمص علبة البصل ائح رش من كوب 2 أو صغرية بصل حبة 15 ائح رش إىل مقطعة جزر مثرة 1 مكعبات إىل مقطعة مسلوقة كبرية بطاطس حبة 2 مفروم ثوم كبرية ملعقة 2 مفروم بقدونس كوب 4 1 مفرومة كزبرة كوب 2 1 ملح صغرية ملعقة 1 2 الطيب جوزة صغرية ملعقة 1 4 أحمر فلفل صغرية ملعقة 1 دجاج مرقة مكعب 1 طامطم صلصة علبة 2 أسود فلفل صغرية ملعقة 2 1 زبدة كبرية مالعق 2 ماء كوب 1 5 اميل ر الك لون تأخذ حتى دقائق 5 ملدة ...

Page 57: ... عىل مرتني قلبي للطهي التشغيل بدء عىل واضغطي القامئة اختاري الفرن يف الطعام ضعي 3 الطهي خالل الفوفو امليكروويف فرن يف االستخدام آمن وعاء الغرفة املكونات بيضاء بطاطا أو كسافا كجم 0 5 كجم 0 75 كجم 1 0 ماء كوب 1 كوب 2 كوب 3 زبدة صغرية مالعق 2 وفلفل ملح مخرم بالستيك برشيط بتغطيته وقومي املاء وصبي كبري وعاء يف الكسافا أو املقرشة غري البطاطا ضعي 1 للطهي التشغيل بدء عىل واضغطي القامئة اختاري الفرن يف الط...

Page 58: ... وتبيل القوام الكثيفة باملتبقي السطح بتزيني قومي ا ً ري وأخ الكرمية من املتبقي وصبي البطاطس خليط من املتبقي أضيفي 2 جريري جنب من التشغيل بدء عىل اضغطي ثم والوزن القامئة اختاري الرف عىل الخبز طبق ضعي 3 دجاج طاجن كجم 1 0 امليكروويف فرن يف االستخدام آمن وعاء الغرفة املكونات الزيتون زيت من كبرية ملعقة 2 الحجم كبرية كانت إن نصفني إىل ومقسمة والعظم الجلد منزوعة دجاج اك ر أو 8 ماء ميل 150 مفرومة بصلة 1 م...

Page 59: ... vKŽ jG 4Ø UI Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ 4Ø UI 4Ø UI 4Ø UI 4Ø UI vKŽ jG ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð vKŽ jG d H_ d H_ d H_ d H_ d H_ Ær H Ušœù d4 lÐ ١٨ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ 5ðd4 vKŽ jG ...

Page 60: ...لورقة لفي املاء وأضيفي وكبري عميق وعاء يف صفوف يف امللفوفة اق ر األو كل ضعي 4 البالستيك من غطاء باستخدام غطيه للطهي التشغيل بدء عىل واضغطي القامئة واختاري الفرن يف الطعام ضعي 5 الطلب حسب أو الالذعة الكرمية مع قدميها الطهي بعد 6 ان ر بالزعف أرز كجم 0 4 إىل 0 1 قدر امليكروويف يف االستخدام أمن وعاء عميق زجاجي الغرفة أرز كجم 0 1 كجم 0 2 كجم 0 3 كجم 0 4 ماء مليل 250 مليل 500 مليل 750 مليل 1000 سائل زيت...

Page 61: ...حون كمون ضئيل مقدار 1 مطحونة كزبرة ضئيل مقدار 1 طازج مطحون أسود وفلفل ملح ساخن ماء كوب 2 دجاج مرقة مكعب 1 منقوع أو مغسول غري طويل أرز جم 200 زبيب كوب 1 4 محمصة زنجبيل ات ر ك كوب 1 4 حتى ً ال قلي بالزيت مدهونة مقالة يف والزبدة والبصل والثوم الطامطم وصلصة والجزر الدجاج اطهي 1 الفاتح البني اللون تأخذ بتغطيته قومي والتوابل واملاء األرز وأضيفي وكبري عميق وعاء يف املطهي الدجاج خليط ضعي 2 مخرم بالستيك بر...

Page 62: ... جم 100 صغرية نقانق شكل عىل وشكليها قسميها 2 للطهي التشغيل بدء عىل واضغطي القامئة واختاري الرف عىل الطعام ضعي 3 الطعام قلبي الصفارة صوت سامع عند 4 الكباب التقطري طبق عىل الرف الغرفة النقع ماء مكونات 2 بصلتان عصري الزيتون زيت من كبرية مالعق 3 ان ر زعف كبرية مالعق 2 للقطعة سم 1 5 من أقل بسمك قطع إىل اللحم وقطعي البعض بعضها مع النقع ماء مكونات ضعي 1 ساعات 4 إىل 3 ملدة اللحم وانقعي أسياخ يف الخرضوات ق...

Page 63: ... vKŽ jG 4Ø UI Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ 4Ø UI 4Ø UI 4Ø UI 4Ø UI vKŽ jG ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð vKŽ jG Æ d4 ٢٢ ...

Page 64: ...ب وزينيها املطهية املعكرونة إىل البولوجنيز صلصة وأضيفي قلبي الطهي بعد 3 التقديم قبل الرغبة ا ر كاربونا إسباجيتي جم 0 4 امليكروويف يف االستخدام أمن وعاء الغرفة ا ر الكاربونا صلصة مكونات مقطع مدخن لحم جم 100 مسحوق ثوم فص 1 كرمية كوب 1 2 بيضات 4 صفار ان ز بارمي جنب جم 100 نكهة إلعطاء وفلفل ملح املعكرونة مكونات العبوة عىل اإلرشادات حسب مطهية معكرونة جم 150 ان ز بارمي جنب كبرية ملعقة 1 من وجففيها الفات...

Page 65: ...حبة كل تبيل بعدئذ الجلد أو اللحم ثقب ًا د جي واخلطي وعاء يف املكونات بقية أضيفي 2 القبعات واستبديل البقري اللحم بخليط الطامطم حبات احيش 3 بالستيك رشيط باستخدام بتغطيتها وقومي طبق يف املحشوة الطامطم حبات ضعي 4 للطهي التشغيل بدء عىل واضغطي القامئة واختاري الفرن يف الطعام ضعي 5 بالتفاح فطرية 1 الرف عىل سم 21 ارة ر للح مقاوم زجاج طبق الغرفة املكونات سم 21 خبز طبق عىل مخبوزة مخبوزة معجنات تفاح مربة جم ...

Page 66: ...لال وصلصة اللحم من واملتبقي انيا ز ال رشيحتني آخر السطح عىل املبشور الجنب ريش 3 التشغيل بدء START عىل واضغطي القامئة اختاري الفرن يف الطعام ضعي 4 طامطم وصلصة لحم مقطع كرفس ساق 1 مفرومة بصلة 1 مسحوق ثوم فص 1 مقطعة السواء جيدة طامطم جم 800 زعرت غصن 1 غار ورقة 1 مفروم بقري لحم جم 300 نكهة إلعطاء وفلفل ملح ناعم قوام تأخذ حتى ً ال قلي بالزيت مدهونة مقالة يف والثوم والبصل الكرفس اطهي 1 دقيقة 30 ملدة الن...

Page 67: ... vKŽ jG 4Ø UI Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ 4Ø UI 4Ø UI 4Ø UI 4Ø UI vKŽ jG ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ٢٦ Æ d4 vKŽ jG ...

Page 68: ...لبي للطهي التشغيل بدء عىل واضغطي القامئة واختاري الفرن يف الطعام ضعي 2 الطهي خالل الدوملا كجم 1 0 امليكروويف يف االستخدام أمن وعاء الغرفة املكونات العنب ورق من قدر 1 مطبوخ أرز جم 200 مفروم بقري لحم جم 500 مفرومة بصلة 1 نكهة إلعطاء وفلفل ملح ماء كوب 1 2 الذعة كرمية كوب 1 2 ًا د جي واخلطيها وعاء يف والفلفل وامللح والبصل املفروم البقري واللحم املطهي األرز أضيفي 1 الورقة وسط يف األرز خليط من مملوئة مل...

Page 69: ...ية ملعقة 1 كمون مسحوق صغرية ملعقة 1 برياين ماساال كبرية ملعقة 1 قرفة 1 هال 2 ثوم فصوص 2 صغرية غار ورقة 2 شامر بذور صغرية ملعقة 1 نعناع اق ر وأو كزبرة ًا د جي املفرومة الكزبرة اق ر أو من حفنة زيت كبرية معلقة 1 مصفاة زبدة أو سمن كبرية ملعقة 2 النكهة إلعطاء ملح الفاتح البني اللون تأخذ حتى ً ال قلي بالزيت مدهونة مقالة يف والتوابل الخرضوات اطهي 1 برشيط بتغطيته قومي واملاء األرز وأضيفي وكبري عميق وعاء ي...

Page 70: ...الزبادي مع ًا د جي قلبي 2 ساعات 3 إىل 2 ملدة النقع ماء يف الدجاج إنقعي 3 أسياخ يف الخرضوات قطع وضعي ائد ز ال النقع ماء من تخليص 4 الرف عىل األسياخ ضعي 5 التشغيل بدء عىل اضغطي ثم والوزن القامئة اختاري 6 الطعام قلبي الصفارة صوت سامع عند 7 الكوتابا فالبجاك كجم 0 7 الرف عىل ارة ر للح مقاوم زجاج طبق املكونات زبدة جم 200 أسمر سكر جم 114 اب رش كبرية مالعق 4 شوفان عصيدة جم 280 أبيض دقيق جم 55 وتختلط تذوب ...

Page 71: ...H UÐ öž s5 bIQ bFÐ Æ j Ð UN ZK WÐ ù UN Š Ë UN KŁ WÐ vKŽ qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð ÆZK WÐ ù Æ U UM ÝUÐ UHv öD W UŠ w v Š ZK WÐ sŽ n u ô ÊdH Æ U UM ÝUÐ UHv öD W UŠ w v Š ZK WÐ sŽ n u ô ÊdH Æ U UM ÝUÐ UHv öD W UŠ w v Š ZK WÐ sŽ n u ô ÊdH Æ U UM ÝUÐ UHv öD W UŠ w v Š ZK WÐ sŽ n u ô ÊdH Æ U UM ÝUÐ UHv öD W UŠ w v Š ZK WÐ sŽ n u ô ÊdH cš Æa D UÐ b q ÂUFD i Hð p QÐ vvu WHK WLFÞô W U IË d Wł b W M UÐ ...

Page 72: ...U9 c v Š dð s5 bÐ ô U qO Ý vKŽ Ë r K s5 övu Ë WŽUÝ b WK5UJ WłUłb ÆuND q q _ vKŽ bŠ r I Ë ËËdOIULK VÝUM5 UŽ n r K r K r K r K r K o Þ s v ËdH r K dý  dLK r K U FJ5 r K z dý dvUš r z dI uAð uAð r K W W dI qHI uÐ Ë dI r WOž ËdH qL  uAð dý r K s5 nK W rÝ r K z UHv öD bMŽ ÆÂUFD VK ÆWIO œ µ µ b dE ZK WÐ bFÐ WłUłb WłUłb WłUłb WłUłb WłUłb _ WK5UJ WłUłb WłUłb bv bB qł d UHv öD bMŽÆ r I s5 q WOI ÆÂUFD VK ...

Page 73: ...ð ÆtM5 ZK WÐ b W W Ë WDÐ uHK5 Ë ÊdH w ÂUFD l rŁ ª ÆÊdH UÐ oKž vKŽ jG Æ d5 Ær K s5 r I µ l ÆUOzUIKð qOGA UÐ ÊdH b UHv ò oKDMð ZK WÐ UMŁ Ë ÊdH UÐ bMŽ ÊdH s5 å VK Ë ÂUFD ËU UÐ ZK WÐ s5 bIQ K tKB eł Í ÆÍ UN KŁ WÐ vKŽ jG ÊdH UÐ öž s5 bIQ bFÐ Æ j Ð UN ZK WÐ ù UN Š Ë qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð qOGAð ÆZK WÐ ù UM ÝUÐ UHv öD W UŠ w v Š ZK WÐ sŽ n u ô ÊdH UM ÝUÐ UHv öD W UŠ w v Š ZK WÐ sŽ n u ô ÊdH UM ÝUÐ UHv ö...

Page 74: ...dH r K VK n Ë Â Ë bŽ ËËdJ U Êd w tF Æn dL Ýö qOGA vKŽ jG d W UN bMŽ Æa D w ËdH r K V Ý Z5U ËËdJ U Êd s5  dÐ tODž n WO bF5 W U Ë ÆU5U9 WÐ ù r ð v Š Ë WIO œ µ µ b dE nMB nMB nMB nMB nMB Ê u Ê u Ê u Ê u Ê u w Ë_ w Ë_ w Ë_ w Ë_ w Ë_ ULOKF ULOKF ULOKF ULOKF ULOKF ÂËdH r K ÂËdH r K ÂËdH r K ÂËdH r K ÂËdH r K r I µ Ë ËËdJ ULK WvUš w n D 5 s v ËdH5 r  UHv öD sŽ ÂUFD VK Æ ÆWIO œ µ µ b dE WÐ ù bFÐ ٣٣ ...

Page 75: ...Að ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð ÆqOGAð u UM Ð b X dF WýUý vKŽ t ÆÊdH w 5 ð Ë a Þ ÊËbÐ UHv oKDMð Ë Æ W UNM WLKI dNEð dF WýUý vKŽ u UMð W UN w ÆX Ë t ÊdH R5 WHOþ pMJ1 X Æa Þ ÊËbÐ UN5 b Ý R  b Ý ÁbMŽ R5 t HBI X X ÆÊdH qLF ô jI qI 5 R UM u X u Ð jI X ÆÊ vKŽ jG Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI Æ 5Ø UI ÆWIO œ µ b X R j WOHOI dFð Ê pMJ1 w U U w Auto cook ٣٤ ...

Page 76: ...ة اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ﻣﻮﻓﺮ ﻣﻴﺰة أوﺗﻮﻣﺎﺗﻴﻜﻴﺎ إﻏﻼق off اﻟﺸﺎﺷﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺳﻴﻈﻬﺮ إﻏﻼﻗﻪ أو اﻟﺒﺎب ﻓﺘﺢ ﻣﻦ دﻗﺎﺋﻖ 0 اﻟﺸﺎﺷﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺳﻴﻈﻬﺮ اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ﻣﻮﻓﺮ ﻣﺴﺢ إﻳﻘﺎف زر ﻋﻠﻰ اﺿﻐﻂ إﻏﻼق off اﻟﺸﺎﺷﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺳﻴﻈﻬﺮ إﻏﻼﻗﻪ أو اﻟﺒﺎب ﻓﺘﺢ ﻣﻦ دﻗﺎﺋﻖ 5 ﺑﻌﺪ أو اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ﻣﻮﻓﺮ ﻣﺴﺢ إﻳﻘﺎف زر ﻋﻠﻰ اﺿﻐﻂ ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ﺳﻮف زر أي ﻋﻠﻰ ﺿﻐﻂ أﻧﺖ إذا اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ ﻣﻮﻓﺮ ﺧﺎﺻﻴﺔ ﻋﻤﻞ أﺛﻨﺎء ٣٥ ...

Page 77: ... œ dÞ Ë u UI t Rð ÁcN dš wý Í Ë q œUM d ð v Íœ u5 W UÞ ËdJ U Uł ÆÊdH à Uš Æ u U M Âb ð ô Ëb WO u b UN ô uý vKŽ Í b Vz Rð dý À bŠ v Íœ dŠ Ë Æo Æπ EMð ô Ò dz b bzU n uÐ W u U w UNF R c Æa D bFÐ Íœ d I v ÆUN öð Ë U Æ Ë v ÃU ÂUFD s5 WKOKI UOLJ Ë a DK dB X Æ5 u XKLF Ý R bI ÍœUF XO dŠ v Íœ Ë UN ÆUN öð Æ Ë s5 bIQð Ë rÝ bOFÐ U W5bI5 ÊuJð YO Ð ÊdH l dÞ nKš rÝ d I u D uł u œ ÆÊdH öI VM t Æ Ë q U IŁ dš ÊdH w...

Page 78: ...N5 b Ý ÂbŽ V t dOž 5 WF d v ÃU w WLFÞô a D V cOÝ sšU ÂUFD Êô ÊdH w ÆtÐ oB K Ë pO Ýö u u u u u ËU Ë U u Êu B ËËdJ U Êd w  b Ýö W ÝUM5 WO n dý d ÊuJð Ê WD dOB a D Ë uM WLFÞô ÊuJð Ê UN Þ Í u Šô WKOK UNO Ë Êu b vKŽ u nþUM Æ U UC W ÝUM5 WO ËË WLFÞô nK uB qHÝ w UNF uM w u a Þ UNO Í ÆWOM b œ Ëô VM uK Ë ÆqK b ÊuK Êô W Ëô iFÐ œUŽ w Ëœ u b UNð Rð b WO Uv dOž œU5 vKŽ Í d Š Ë UF ý v Íœ ËËdJ U Êd w UN5 b Ý UM...

Page 79: ... s5 d I WŽ u Ý eł_ dO J a D œU5 VK qC _ s5 p c ÆWOKH d5 bŽ UMŁ Æa D WOz cG œ u w WÐuÞd W WOz cG œ u w WÐuÞd W WOz cG œ u w WÐuÞd W WOz cG œ u w WÐuÞd W WOz cG œ u w WÐuÞd W u5 Ê U0 ËËdJ U Uł d v c Mð n uÞ u ÊS WÐ t ý WOz cG œ Ë ÃUłb Ë r K dOL q 5 W U u iFÐ dC Ÿ Ë V UNý Æ U UÐ kH v Š UN ODGð Ë UN Þ q U s5 qOKIÐ Êu b Ë ÂUEF s5 ÂUFD U u 5 Êu b Ë ÂUEF s5 ÂUFD U u 5 Êu b Ë ÂUEF s5 ÂUFD U u 5 Êu b Ë ÂUE...

Page 80: ...n dO I ÂUFD Ë U š Í Æ iFÐ ËËdJ U Êd w vI ð WLFÞô UNO U0 WLFÞô rEF5 sJ UN Þ wN M v Š n r K Ë Ëd 5 ÃUłb ËËdJ U Êd s5 Wł uI UMŁ n dD w UN dE U UN Þ v o dð b Æa D UN ô b5 œ lHð d Wł dN µ 5Ð WOKš b u 5 X UN µË W Ë UMŁ Â Æ UE ô X UE ô X Ë UE ô X Ë UE ô X Ë UE ô X Ë UE ô X Ë dð dš bFÐ ozU œ v b ÊdH w vI ð WLFÞ_ ËËdJ U Êd s5 UNł Æn Ë X Ë vDG WLFÞ_ a Þ d UÐ ÿUH Šö UE ô X dð p W UŠ w wJ UNHOH b Ë UJFJ iFÐ ö...

Page 81: ... Æ Æ Æ Æ ø n ËËdJ U Êd w UAH qLŽ sJ1 q ø n ËËdJ U Êd w UAH qLŽ sJ1 q ø n ËËdJ U Êd w UAH qLŽ sJ1 q ø n ËËdJ U Êd w UAH qLŽ sJ1 q ø n ËËdJ U Êd w UAH qLŽ sJ1 q ÆÃ dł rF dD ÈbŠ Â b Ý È Æ5 O U 5 I Æ Ë w ÊdHO Â b Ýö UBOBš ŸuMB UAH qLŽ UŽ ËËdJ U Æn Æ ËËdJ U ÊdHÐ Uš UI 5 ŸuMB5 UA u n vKŽ Í e5 ÆwzUNM ZOCM K W ÝUM5 WMOF5 U d ð ô Æ UAH U M l UB s5 UDF ULOKF cH d ð ô Æ UAH U M l UB s5 UDF ULOKF cH d ð ô Æ U...

Page 82: ...I Ãd 0 tK Ë V b U iOÐ Ë ÊuK UÐ pK_ u J dŠ tOKŽ eOK ô WGK W N u Ë uÝ t Æœ uÝ Ë wMÐ ÊuK UÐ pK_ dNJ UÐ q u œ Ãd 0 tK Ë V UÐ u J f I dŠ tOKŽ eOK ô WGK W L u Ë ÆdLŠ t f I Ãd 0 tK Ë V dH _ ÊuK Ë dCš_ ÊuK UÐ pK_ u J dŠ tOKŽ eOK ô WGK W E tOKŽ Ë _ e Æ dNJ UO pKÝ wJ d ÀbŠ s tK b ð s bÐ ô wzUÐ d Ë Z M q R wMJ Ë t U b eh qł s tO ý q ªdDš VM u WOMH UH W UD bB u d Ë Ã π Ë ð I b d F U O d Ë I U O f IEC60705 ð d...
