- Sets the RF modulation type to DVB-T or DVB-C .
The default value is DVB-T .
(6) Mod. type
- The default value is '------' .
- Set the RF frequency of the channel from which to update the time .
- The default value is 0 .
- Set the service ID of the channel from which to update the time .
- It can be set to ‘Off’, ‘Clock Freq/IP Ch’ or ‘HTML’ . The default value is 'Off' .
- If it is set to "Off", the time set from the main menu will be used . If it is set to "Clock Freq", the time will
be updated from a specific frequency
(10) freq.(Khz)
(11) clock service ID
(9) clock update
- It can be set using the or number buttons .
• (IP a) : Sets the first number in the IPv4 address.
• (IP b) : Sets the second number in the IPv4 address.
• (IP c) : Sets the third number in the IPv4 address.
(IP d) : Sets the fourth number in the IPv4 address .
• (Port) : Sets the actual port number where the Pro:Centric server is running. It can be set using
the or number buttons .
- The default value of IP a/b/c/d is 0 and the range is between 0 and 255 . The default value of Port is
80 and the range is between 0 and 65535 .
- It can be set using the or number buttons .
• (IP a) : Sets the first number in the IPv4 address.
• (IP b) : Sets the second number in the IPv4 address.
• (IP c) : Sets the third number in the IPv4 address.
• (IP d) : Sets the fourth number in the IPv4 address.
• (Port) : Sets the actual port number where the Pro:Centric server is running. It can be set using
the or number buttons .
- The default value of IP a/b/c/d is 0 and the range is between 0 and 255 . The default value of Port is
80 and the range is between 0 and 65535 .
(7) p:c Ip setting
(12) clock Ip setting
- Sets Enable or Disable . When it is set to Disable, all the sub items are disable .
(8) receive Data