Priority : You can select Priority (Normal/Urgent)
Delivery ack : You can select Delivery ack (On / Off)
Deferred delivery : You can select Deferred delivery (Immediate, After 30 Min etc)
Validity period : You can select Validity period. (Default, 30 Min etc)
Save sent message : You can select repeat alert (Yes / No)
Auto delete inbox : You can select repeat alert (Yes / No)
10. Help (
Display help about Messages Menu.
####->[6. SMS MO]
Select <SMS MO >
1. SO : Select 8K or 13K
2. L3ACK : Select ON/OFF
Chapter 6. Functions used during a call
Scratch pad(During a call : [MENU]+[1] )
You can save memo during a call and this data is saved at call history
Mute / Unmute (During a call : [MENU]+[2] )
Sometimes it is necessary to mute a call so that caller does not hear you or certain
background noise. To use this function during a call, Press Soft Key 1 [Menu]
and [1].
If you need to release mute press the Soft Key 1 [Menu]
and [1] key again.
Voice Privacy (During a call : [MENU]+[3] )
Set the voice privacy feature for CDMA calls as “Enhanced” or “Standard” :
CDMA offers inherent voice privacy. Check with your service provider for availability of the
enhanced voice privacy mode.
Chapter 7. Accessories
There are a variety of accessories available for the phone. You can select these options according
to your personal communication requirements. Consult your local dealer for availability.
Travel Charger
This charger, model TC-10W, allows you to charge the battery pack. It supports standard U.S.
120Volt 60Hz outlets. While an orange light indicates that it is charging, a green light indicates