Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials
for Mac OS
About Nero MediaHome Essentials
Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials is a software for
sharing video, audio and photo files stored on your
computer to this speaker as a digital media server.
Downloading Nero MediaHome
1. Start up your computer, visit http://www.lg.com.
If necessary, select your region.
2. Click support tab.
3. Fill your model name on the cover of owner’s
manual in search bar.
4. Find and download the “Nero MediaHome 4
Essentials” file.
Installing Nero MediaHome
1. Before installation, close all running programs
including firewall and Anti-Virus programs.
2. Unzip and double-click NeroMediaHome.
dmg file, In the Nero MediaHome window,
drag the Nero MediaHome icon either to the
Applications folder within the window or to any
other desired location.
3. Follow the directions of the installation wizard
displayed on the screen.
4. Click the [Exit] button to complete the
System requirements (Macintosh)
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Macintosh computer with an Intel x86 processor
Hard drive space: 200 MB hard drive space
for a typical installation of Nero MediaHome
Memory: 256 MB RAM
Sharing music files
On your computer, you must share the folder
contained music files to play them on this speaker.
This parts explains the procedure for selecting the
shared folders on your computer.
1. Double-click the “Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials”
2. Click [Network] icon on the left and define your
network name in the [Network name] field. The
Network name you enter will be recognized by
your player.
3. Click [Shares] icon on the left.
4. Click [Local Folders] tab on the [Shares] screen.
5. Click [Add] icon to open the [Browse Folder]
6. Select the folder containing the files you want
to share. The selected folder is added to the list
of shared folders.
7. Click [Start Server] icon to start the server.