dm°Q>a {S>ñnoÝga
Grille /
Wipe with a clean, damp cloth and then dry
using dry cloth.
Water Tank /
dm°Q>a Q>±H$
1. Water Filling /
nmZr ^aZo Ho$ {bE
can be filled by opening the water tank cap).
2. Disassembly /
{S>gAg|~br (ImobZo Ho$ {bE)
Lift the water tank, gripping a side and bottom of water tank.
Before disassembly of water tank, drain all water from the
3. Assembly /
Ag|~br (~§X H$aZo Ho$ {bE)
If by some cause the water tank is dislocated, place it again at
its original position. Verify that the valve is assembled correctly
in the hole of the door. Once assembled push down
and check the tank position with line.
nhbo Jrbo H$n‹S>o go gm\$ H$a|, CgHo$ ~mX gwIo H$n‹S>o H$m
à`moJ H$aHo$ gm\$ H$a| &
nmZr ^aZo Ho$ {bE dm°Q>a Q>±H$ {ZH$mbZm Oê$ar Zht h¢ & ({MÌ H«$. 1 _| {XE JE
VarHo$ go Q>±H$ JoQ> Ho$ qIMrE Am¡a nmZr ^arE &)
- Before closing door, close the cap and clamp tightly.
- Do not use liquids containing sugar or carbonated drinks.
XadmOm ~§X H$aZo go nhbo H°$n Am¡a Šb°ån H$mo ~§X H$aZm Zm ^w{bE &
H$m~m}ZoQ>oS> Ðì` O¡go gmoS>m H$m BñV_mb Z H$a| &
dm°Q>a Q>±H$ H$mo XmB© `m ~mBª Va\$ go nH$‹S>o Am¡a ZrMo go D$na {IqME &
dm°Q>a Q>±H$ H$mo ImobZo Ho$ ~mX {S>ñnoÝga Ho$ nmZr H$m \$ar Vah BñVo_mb H$s{OE &
{H$gr H$maUde dm°Q>a Q>±H$ R>rH$ go Zhr ~¡R>o, Vmo Cgo AnZr ghr OJh na {~R>mE±,
Om±{ME H$s dmëd Ag|~br XadmOo Ho$ N>oX _| ghr Vah go ~¡R>r hmo ({MÌ H«$.) CgHo$
~mX Q>±H$ H$mo ZrMo T>H$bo Am¡a XadmOo na ghr VarHo$ go ~¡R> (pñWa hm) OmE± &
This guide covers several different models. The refrigerator you have
purchased may have some or all of the features shown in the guide.
It is not necessary to remove the water tank in order to fill it (it