Place refrigerator on the base stand, such
that to insure the proper placement of
refrigerator on base stand as indicated
(fig. 2).
Adjust the refrigerator so that the gap on
either sides is even.
Plug in the power supply.
Do not move refrigerator with base stand
it might damage the stand
ao{\«$OaoQ>a _w»` {S>ã~o go
{S>ã~o H$mo
~og ñQ>¡ÊS>
~mha {ZH$mb|
~og ñQ>¡ÊS> H$mo Cg ñWmZ na aI| Ohm§ Amn ao{\«$OaoQ>a
aIZm MmhVo h¢
~og ñQ>¡ÊS> Ho$ n¡am| H$mo R>rH$ àH$ma O_rZ na {Q>H$mE§
ao{\«$OaoQ>a H$mo Bg àH$ma aI| {H$ XmoZm| Va\$ ~am~a A§Va hmo
nmda gßbmB© _| ßbJ bJmE§
ao{\«$OaoQ>a H$mo ~og ñQ>¡ÊS> Ho$ gmW Z {hbmE§, Eogm H$aZo na
~og ñQ>¡ÊS> H$mo ZwH$gmZ nhþ§M gH$Vm h¡
A~ ao{\«$OaoQ>a H$mo {MÌ _| {XIm`r JB© pñW{V Ho$ AZwgma
~og ñQ>¡ÊS> Ho$ D$na aI|
CAUTION : Ensure that the refrigerator is unplugged from the power source, before installation.
gmdYmZr : ao{\«$OaoQ>a H$mo ñWm{nV H$aZo go nhbo `h Adí` gw{Z{íMV H$a b| {H$ BgH$mßbJ nmda gßbmB© go hQ>m hmo &
When Refrigerator is used without base
ensure both the legs of refrigerator are
in place and properly leveled.
O~ H$^r ao{\«$OaoQ>a H$mo {~Zm ñQ>¡ÊS> Ho$ BñVo_mb _| bmE§
gw{Z{íMV H$a| {H ao{\«$OaoQ>a Ho$ XmoZm| n¡a
àH$ma go O_rZ na {Q>Ho$ hmo
Take base stand box out of refrigerator main
Open the base stand box and take the base
stand out.
Place the base stand at appropriate location,
you intend to install Refrigerator.
Adjust legs of base stand to level it perfectly
on Floor.
~og ñQ>¡ÊS>
~mha {ZH$mb|
{S>ã~o H$mo Imobo Am¡a ~og ñQ>¡ÊS> H$mo