Forced Cooling Operation
• Adding the refrigerant in winter.
Setting Procedure
1) Set the Dip Switch as follow after shutting the power source down.
2) Reset the power.
3) Red LED and Green LED of PCB lights during work.
(The indoor unit is operated by force.)
4) If operation is done, Red LED will be turned off.
If operation is not done normally, Red LED will blink.
5) Close the Liquid valve only after green LED turned off (7 minutes from the start of the machine).
Then close the gas valve after Green LED on.
• When the green LED of PCB is on, compressor is going to be off because of low
• You should return the Dip Switch to operate normally after finishing the operation.
• Improper Pump down will lead to product turn off along with LED (green &red) off
with in 20 minutes from the initial start.
Pump Down Dip S/W Setting
Power on
(Red LED On, Green LED Off)
Comp on
(Red LED On, Green LED On)
Pump Down Start
(Red LED On, Green LED Off)
Liquid Valve Closed
Gas Valve Closed
Pump Down Complete
(Red LED Off, Green LED On)
Power off
(Red LED Off, Green LED On)