When moving or lifting the monitor, read the
following to prevent the monitor from being
scratched or damaged and for safe transportation
regardless of its type and size.
It is recommended to move the monitor in
the box or packing Cover that the monitor
originally came in.
B e f o r e m o v i n g o r l i f t i n g t h e m o n i t o r,
disconnect the power cord and all cables.
Hold the top and bottom of the monitor frame
firmly. Make sure not to hold the transparent
part, speaker, or speaker grill area.
Avoid touching the screen at all times, as this
may result in damage on the screen.
When transporting the monitor, do not expose
the monitor to jolts or excessive vibration.
When transporting the monitor, keep the
monitor upright, never turn the monitor on its
side or tilt towards the left or right.
When transporting the monitor by hand,
hold the monitor as shown in the following
When the product is carried upright, 2 persons
carry by holding the bottom and top of the
front, and when it is being put down, put down
carefully for the panel not to be touched.
When the product is carried laid down, 2
persons carry by holding the bottom of the
back, and when it is being put down, put down
carefully for the panel not to be touched.
Transportation method for panel protection