2020 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved. Only for training and service purposes
"Small-Signal "Discrete Transistor
1.Remove the defective transistor by clipping its leads as close as possible to the component body.
2.Bend into a "U" shape the end of each of three leads remaining on the circuit board.
3.Bend into a "U" shape the replacement transistor leads.
4.Connect the replacement transistor leads to the corresponding leads extending from the circuit board and crimp the "U" with long
nose pliers to insure metal to metal contact then solder each connection.
Power Output, Transistor Device
1.Heat and remove all solder from around the transistor leads.
2.Remove the heat sink mounting screw (if so equipped).
3.Carefully remove the transistor from the heat sink of the circuit board.
4.Insert new transistor in the circuit board.
5.Solder each transistor lead, and clip off excess lead.
6.Replace heat sink.
Diode Removal/Replacement
1. Remove defective diode by clipping its leads as close as possible to diode body.
2. Bend the two remaining leads perpendicular y to the circuit board.
3. Observing diode polarity, wrap each lead of the new diode around the corresponding lead on the circuit board.
4.Securely crimp each connection and solder it.
5.Inspect (on the circuit board copper side) the solder joints of the two "original" leads. If they are not shiny, reheat them and if
necessary, apply additional solder.
Fuse and Conventional Resistor
1.Clip each fuse or resistor lead at top of the circuit board hollow stake.
2.Securely crimp the leads of replacement component around notch at stake top.
3.Solder the connections.
Maintain original spacing between the replaced component and adjacent components and the circuit board to prevent
excessive component temperatures.